Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year-2011!

A new year has dawned
 2011 is here for us to celebrate
And to stay with us for the next twelve months.
A decade had passed
since we celebrated the Millenium

Yes, time is flying
we are racing
and today we're standing at the entrance
of a brand New Year.

We welcome you 2011
with hope and dreams for a great year
We pray that you'd bring good tidings to us all
we pray that people will turn more towards God
and less towards unimportant things on heaven's view

We pray that families will grow stronger
Leaders would lead with Godly wisdom
Preachers will preach God's message, and not their own
Churches will grow more in holiness and devotion to God
People will be drawn to Christ  and not run away from Him
because of us, Christians , what we do or not do

We pray that God will bless us with providence
protection and wisdom to have a great year
that He will direct the path of our country
and the will of the people to His glory
We pray that the soil of the land
and the soul of the people will flourish this year
We pray that the world will be a safer and better place this year
For God's people choose to love, live  and pray as their Lord taught them to do.

Happy New Year!
May God bless us all for a bright and happy year!***

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