Tuesday, November 8, 2016

                            The Power of Silence

I. In silence, I can hear the small voice-the soft whisper of God.

2. Silence makes me to hear the pain pangs of those who are hurting.

3 Silence makes me to realize how much  un-needed words I speak out and how little I listen when         others speak.

4. Silence creates a space for me to think and contemplate.

5  Silence distracts the chattering around me and make me focus on the awesomeness of the                      surrounding and the mystery of life.

6. Silence instills humility and gratitude towards God.

7  Silence enables me to rethink and make better choices.

8 Silence dispels confrontation and stifle anger outbursts.

9 Silence has a catalytic effect for prayer and meditation.

10. Silence makes the space sacred and conducive for creativity.