Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's A God's Thing

"It's a God thing." Yes, that's what I said to Shana last night, when she complimented me for what I do for our writer's group. I didn't  throw those words just to sound spiritual or as a cliche, but I truly meant it what I said.

This evening was one of the most enjoyable writers' meeting I ever had. There were lots of laughter, reading, sharing and learning. We had eight in total for attendance except for Cathy who couldn't be there because of her father-in -laws death, and Claris, whose car's fuel tank gave up on her when she tried to come for the meeting. Our ears were perked up when Sermsee's shared her experience with NaNoWriMo- writing a novel of 50,000wds in one month. It's the first time I came to hear about NaNoWriMo, and if saying the word could make my tongue twist,   wonder what and all of me would start to twist if I've signed up for that challenge.  I can't even imagine of writing anything beyond 5,0000wds, and what am I going to do for the rest of the words. Borrow? But it's so great to have someone in our group who was brave enough to take the challenge.

Brave? Here comes our next subject-Tianyu. How else can I term someone who took a sunrise hike with her adorable ten-year old son Timothy up a mountain cluttered with loose rocks and dark bushes in the early hours of the day, when the world around was dark and asleep? Just a small torch in hand to guide her steps and her son's, she took the challenge to see the sun's glory at the top of the mountain with no one around, but God alone. Yes, it must have been a holy experience for her, and I wish I too could go on a hike like her. However, going on a hike is something my body will never dare to do. So, why bother?

It was very interesting to listen to what Sermsee, Tianyu and young Victoria read. As always, Odetta was open to share her thoughts and knowledge to spice up the mood and interest in the group and the rest of the group, though kept quiet, I assume, were busy soaking up new ideas and storing them for future use.

Once back home, I couldn't thank the Lord enough for bringing these ladies to the group and enriching our writing life. Yes, it is He had brought them. Not me, or anyone else. It's not our doing. It's all His. He alone knows what's up in the future for each of us and how He's going to direct and fulfill His plan.

It's so amazing how this group was formed, and more amazing how I was given a role to play in it. Never had  I imagined myself leading a writer's group before. Never! But it happened.  When Shana, our leader at the Women's Bible study once asked the ladies at the S-H-A-P-E meeting, what  ideas we've got for new ministries at church, without thinking even for a moment, I blurted out writer's group or book club. Shana could have easily brushed off my idea. But she didn't. She stood there, her loving face beaming like a fullmoon and said "Sulo, I like that idea. Why don't you start a writer's group." Now it was my turn to brush her off. But I didn't. To my surprise, for once, I chose to obey without groping for any excuses. For the next couple of days, I was on my knees asking God to bail me out, but He chose to keep silent. I had no choice but to follow His leading there onwards.

So in Summer this year(2010,) we launched the group with five ladiesfrom our Bible study. It was somewhat a pioneer project, which could be continued in the Fall, if  interest in writing still persisted. We met bi-monthly on Mondays and the ladies kept to their regular attendance and writing interest. Our church gave permission to use it's name and soon we became Grace Point Women's Writers' Group. For Fall, Shana suggested we follow a book for instruction and I said amen to that. The good news was that I didn't need to look anywhere far to look for one, for within my reach, on my bookshelf stood a book tall and prim titled- An Introduction to Christian Writing. It had very good reviews and seemed like an ideal book for our group.

Strangely it may sound, I had bought that book two years back on for no particular reason. I've read a few chapters, highlighted few passages in lime-green color and stuck it among my books on the shelf and left it untouched until late this Summer. What made me to purchase that book two years earlier? I don't know. Why should this very book catch my eye when I was thinking of going to the library to find a suitable one for the writer's group? I don't know it either. Everything was falling in line as it was preplanned by someone unseen. Was there someone orchestrating behind the scene well before the thought of forming a writing group occured to our mind. Definitely. That's why I see this as a God thing.

It's God who had handpicked the ladies and brought them to the group. He who has gifted them knows what these writers are capable of and how best He can use them. He also knows that they need to be brought under a safe and suitable environment to grow and flourish. He knows our strength and weakness and in no way He considers one above the other. Some are quiet and confident; some are outspoken and supportive, while some are funny and inspiring. Yes, God Almighty, takes pleasure in making a pot-pouri of talents and personalities. He wants the best for us and He wants our best for Him. What better way to purpose His plan other than bringing us all under one roof -Grace Point Women's Writers' Group. That's why I see this as God's Thing from the very beginning.


  1. I am honored you think me brave, but to tell you a secret I hate the dark and almost never sleep without a small light on. God did ask me to lean on him that week and that day/morning and I learned to do exactly that.

    Your faith touches me, if it weren't for that, I'd call you brave for starting this. How wonderful that you did, I certainly enjoyed all the meetings and the creative outlet, while staying close to God, like having your ice cream and eat it too!

  2. Wow......... what a lovely glimpse of the people in your group.

    And I am excited to think that you let your heart speak up (before your head got in the way) that you wanted to start a writers' group! So glad for you and those you will inspire.... I agree it's a God thing!


  3. Thanks Brenda for your comments. I appreciate and value them

  4. Sulo, I think you're a God Thing for our writing group! How I ended up in it is a God Thing too. I wasn't looking for it. But that's God for you! And Thank God! This is a wonderful group where we can feel "safe" sharing our work. You mentioned that I signed up for the Nanowrimo and I must say I had no idea what I was signing up for! It's hard--life gets in the way of my writing time! I'm behind as I only have 11,210 words written as of this moment! 50,000???!!! That's a lot of words! This writing group has jump-started my writing juices again!
