Monday, November 15, 2010

A Day to Remember and Celebrate

It's my birthday today, and it's a day of celebration at my house. I didn't want anything fancy this time, the usual going out to the restaurant for a grand meal and getting gifts. Instead, I wanted a simple candle light dinner at home. My 22-year-old opted to make the dinner and my husband was put in charge of setting the table with candles and flowers. I don't know how tasty the meal is going to be what my twenty-two-year old is busy making now, and how beautiful the table setting is going to be, but one thing I'm very sure is that a lot of love and effort is put in to make this day very special for me. No doubt, whatever is served tonight is going to be the most tasties in my palet and whatever is set on the table is going to look the loveliest in my eyes. What better gift could I ask other than this precious gift of love?

It had been six decades and four years since I let out my first cry on a tiny island in the middle of Indian oceon. Yes, I was born long time ago in the other side of the world,  when people there wake up to go to work, we, in this part of the world hurry back home in heavy traffic after long hours of work .Yes, I've been blessed to have lived in both of these two worlds, which are  far and wide apart in culture, taste and view of life.

 Looking back, I'm amazed how many places I've lived , how many countries I've visited, how many people I have met, how many friendships I've made in my life span. Yes, I've seen some of the wonders of the world like the Taj Mahal, Great wall of China, Eiffel Tower, Sistine chapel, etc. I had also seen the ugliness of injustice, devastation of ethnic war and  plight of poverty. I had walked down the steps of Buckingham palace in England and Versilles in France. I had also walked down the streets with my four -year old in my homeland while bullets rained down from helicopters and had experienced taking shelter in backyard bunkers when the sound of shellings blasted the air. Yes,in my memory I've pictures of laughter and cries, whoops of joy and wails of loss.  Courage and fear kept alternating and challenged my faith at times. Excitement and disappointment brushed different shade of color to the picture.

Tonight, as I sit here gray haired (dyed pitch black) and pounding words onto my blog screen, I can't thank the Lord enough for His  countless blessings. I thank Him for taking me through rocky paths and flowery meadows to make the person who I am today and where I'm today in my life. I may be qualified to be called a senior next year, but I still feel young at heart and much busier than years before.
I do work part-time, lead a writer's group and Bible study group. The days I've lived are God's gift to me, and how I lived those days are my gifts to the Lord. I cannot see what the days ahead behold for me, but I do know the One, who hold my days in His calendar!***


  1. I liked this post. Like that you thought to mention that you dye your hair pitch black. Got to know you a bit, and yet have no idea who you are.

  2. Happy belated birthday. I am glad you had a nice time. I know so many Nov birthdays and now one more...
