Sunday, November 28, 2010

Birdie, What's your secret?

Birdie, birdie, my little birdie
What makes you so happy?
What keeps you so light hearted and free spirited?
Don't you know that cold weather is on the way?

Soon, it will be Winter
And there won't be anything for you to eat
no fruits on trees to peck
and no bugs in the bark to chew on

You seem so worry free
hopping from branch to branch
tweeting and squeaking your lungs out
Don't you ever sit and worry
as we, the humankind normally do

We've been told that we rank high in intelligence
common sense, creativity and performance
Yet, we don't seem to enjoy life at all
Wherever I look, I see people busy and strained
singing seemed stopped
and laughter hardly heard

Yes, we've  food to feed many tummies for an year
probably, enough wealth to last for decades
yet, we walk around joyless and heavy hearted.
No wonder the Lord told us to look at you
and to learn from you.

So, tell us little birdie
what's your secret?
What makes you sing even when there's nothing to eat
and no branches around to build your nest?***

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem. So true the Lord has taken good care of us all these years, yet at the first opportunity of unmet desires, we pout like children! I used to laugh at the Israelites in the exodus, thinking how can they be so stubborn, but I live it and laugh at myself now! Thanks for the reminder for a thankful, grateful, satisfied, and praising heart...
