Saturday, October 23, 2010

Precious Thoughts for the Day

         Presently, at our women's Bible study on Thursday nights, we are following Beth Moore's book, Breaking Free. I consider to be blessed to learn from Beth Moore whose passion for God vibrates through ever word she writes and so contagious that you are set on fire for God. Beth's story is a great display of God's amazing handiwork of bringing beauty out of ashes. If what she potrays herself as true and genuine, then she's God's trophy suited to be placed on the upper shelf of the awards cabinet.

         It's God's grace that I didn't go through the trial she went through and I'm thankful for that. But at the same time, seeing her heart ablaze for God and love for the women who had undergone similar trials like hers, I wish I had similar trials so that I'm on fire for God like her. Yes, it sounds silly and outrageous for who in the world want to go through the heart-breaking circumstances and bondage she suffered from. But see where she's now and who she has become? I'm not talking about how great her ministry is, or what a great author and Bible teacher she had become. No, not at all. I'm pointing to the woman she had become to serve the Lord with such a passion and obedience. That's what is amazing.

But years back when she was walking through the valley of destruction or crawled in her pit with self-loathing, she wouldn't have ever imagined to become a woman after God like this. But God knew. He knew what she would become when she yields herself to Him to remold her life. No doubt He heard her Why?s and Why me?s countless times, but He chose to remain silent for He knew she would never understand what He's trying to do with her. Today, freed from bondages, Beth is offering some great thoughts  from the Word and her experience that are very helpful to understand trouble and tribulations.

1. God never allows or appoints a fire unless He can bring beauty from the ashes. " In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6-7.

2. We cannot avoid fiery trials-
     a)  God is much more interested in our callings than our comfort.
      b) Even faithful people go through tremendous difficulties.
3.  The purpose of the refinement is always to make us.
      a) Objects of beauty
      b) Recepients of reward.
         " and into the inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in heaven for you," 1 Peter1:4.
         " Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace
           they will rejoice in their inheritance; Isaiah 61:7a
4      One primary purpose of fiery trials is to surface the dross.
5       We cannot often refuse the fire, but we can refuse to be refined by it.
6        Sometimes our fiery trials are absolutely necessary to fulfill our calling.
         We see the last statement becoming a reality in Beth's life as well as many great servants of God, whether they're known or unknown to the world.

These thought I consider to be treasured for it gives us a right perspective of trials. Sometimes they are necessary  to fulfill our calling. Cross was necessary for Christ to become the Saviour of the world, evern though it cost him lots of physical and emotional suffering. He had to suffer so that you and I can live. It was His call and He willingly surrendered so that we can live a victorious life under His lordship on earth as well as in heaven.

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