Saturday, September 7, 2013

Getting ahead of God

" Beware of getting ahead of God by your very desire to do His will. We run ahead of Him in a thousand  and one activities, becoming so burdened with people and problems that we don't worship God and fail to intercede." Oswald Chambers.

How very true and what a great warning this man of God gave to his hearers and readers in his days. Even today, his devotional, My Utmost for His Highest is considered to be a classic and read by believers all over the world.

I wonder what Chambers would have written today in our busyness driven, twitter ridden world. Who knows, he might have even given up writing completely so that he could be on his knees all day long to intercede for us, Christians, so that we could be brought  back to our knees and spend quality time with God.
No doubt Chambers would have definitely chosen to do that, because he was someone who knew his priority in the right order. His words were direct, blunt and wholesome.  How else, could a man after God's own heart, like Chambers  translates what's burning in his heart other than telling it as it is. He could have tempered it down to please his audience, but his priority was to please the One, whose audience Chambered sought the most.

Today, seldom a Christian preacher or writer want to convey the message in the way Chamber did. No one wants to upset or offend their audience.  People pleasing rather than God pleasing has become the style of this Christian era. Result- Celebrity status craving is creeping into whatever we venture in. Sadly, we have bought into the misconception that whatever we do are mostly for the benefit of God; in other words- for the glory of God.

It is here, we need to pause, take a step back and assess our doings.  If we are running ahead of God to fulfill His plan in my life and for this world, I need to slap myself to waken me up and realize that I'm not God, but He is.

It is His story we are called to play a part. It is He, who decides how big or small our part is going to be. All what He expects from us-availability, obedience and commitment. In His hand a twig could gain an oak like strength and a mount-height oak could disappear without a trace.

So, let us minding our minute status before God, watch our steps and words in following Him,  rather than running ahead of Him with our plans and projects for His glory.

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