Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 year ends

"He who hath helped thee hitherto
Will help thee all thy journey through"
When read in heaven's light, how glorious and marvelous a prospect will thy" hitherto" unfold to thy grateful ey." C.H. Spurgeon

On this day, as I stand at the closing door of the year 2011and awaits for the door to 2012 to open, I cannot thank the Lord enough for His goodness and faithfulness shown to me. It's His mercy that I'm here today and where I am and who I am today. It's His "yes"s, "no"s and delays that have molded me and shaped me to grow and love Him more. The year didn't run smoothly, it had its twists and turns that brought sighs and sobs at times. But there were times of joy and days of celebration when a loved one got married, a daughter got a new job, another went to college to pursue her heart's desire, received great health report from the doctor's mouth and so forth. Also, there were  nights of no sleep being anxiouis about the future, saddened by the ill health of dear friends and long loved neighor, disoriented by doubts and dried up spiritual state.
That is life and I need to accept joy and sadness, triumps and trials with both hands with faith and gratitude. Only then, I can say I've walked the talk and matured enough to be thankful for all, irrespective of type and nature of happenings.
So many unexpected and surprising things have happened this year in the world around. The uprise in the Middle East, the regime change in Egypt and the fall of Egyptian president, the death of Bin laden, the death of Libyan leader Gadaffi, the unrest in Syria, the downturn in economy in this nation and Europe, the rise of China and India in economy and so forth. We don't know what these changes hold for us in this nation or as an individual in today's global village.

I donot know what 2012 is going to bring to the world in general, who is going to be the next president of this country, or who will rise or fall in the new year. I have no idea what coming year holds for me and my family. But I know who hold our future in His hands. Because I love and trust Him for His mercy, faithfulness and goodness, I can rest in Him whatever this year brings .

Yes, I too can confidently sing,
"He who hath helped the hiterto
Will help thee all thy journey through."
As the door shuts on this year, I bow before my Lord to praise and worship Him for who He is and would invite Him to walk me through the coming year in His faithfulness. I pray that I will yield me for Him to shine through me more and my fellowship with Him be more intimate so that my life would be worth for His glory.

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