Wits and Wisdom learned in
my seven decades of life.
If I say, there is no God ,
I must be either totally blind
in both my eyes or in mind
Or I must be someone so arrogant
stiff necked to have walked on this planet.
How could I say that there is no God
when my eyes behold His handiwork
all around me day after day
and night after night.
Can anyone look at the mesmerizing hues of sky at dawn
when the sun leaves his chamber with all its majesty
that no earthly king could stand in comparison.
Even the blind with no sight to behold this beauty
had ever denied the presence of God Almighty.
For, they keep the eyes of their heart wide open
to see Him in their mind to craft songs like
" Blessed assurance"
and " To God be the Glory,
Praise Him, Praise Him ! Be thou Exalted.'
Smelling God's love in the fragrance of flowers
Hearing His care in the sweet melodies of tweeting birds
And sensing His touch in the embrace of friends and strangers
Even the blind could see much deeper and higher than many of us
living with wide eyes to see.
Or haven't we wondered how a baby grow
in the mother's womb
Or our own bodies working so perfectly in unison
the brain with heart and heart in turn with lungs
and liver pumping live giving blood through
numerous paths of vessels in amazing co-ordination
that no regime in military could rival in comparison.
You, who have denied God's existence so far
for reason only you know.
Please do take a moment to see the loveliness of sunlit sky
and the sparkling of starlit sky.
Hear Him in the calling of birds
and patter of the rain that makes plants grow.
See Him! Hear Him, and Come to know Him
in and through everything He has created
for you and me to embrace and enjoy an abundant life on earth!