"He who hath helped thee hitherto
Will help thee all thy journey through"
When read in heaven's light, how glorious and marvelous a prospect will thy" hitherto" unfold to thy grateful ey." C.H. Spurgeon
On this day, as I stand at the closing door of the year 2011and awaits for the door to 2012 to open, I cannot thank the Lord enough for His goodness and faithfulness shown to me. It's His mercy that I'm here today and where I am and who I am today. It's His "yes"s, "no"s and delays that have molded me and shaped me to grow and love Him more. The year didn't run smoothly, it had its twists and turns that brought sighs and sobs at times. But there were times of joy and days of celebration when a loved one got married, a daughter got a new job, another went to college to pursue her heart's desire, received great health report from the doctor's mouth and so forth. Also, there were nights of no sleep being anxiouis about the future, saddened by the ill health of dear friends and long loved neighor, disoriented by doubts and dried up spiritual state.
That is life and I need to accept joy and sadness, triumps and trials with both hands with faith and gratitude. Only then, I can say I've walked the talk and matured enough to be thankful for all, irrespective of type and nature of happenings.
So many unexpected and surprising things have happened this year in the world around. The uprise in the Middle East, the regime change in Egypt and the fall of Egyptian president, the death of Bin laden, the death of Libyan leader Gadaffi, the unrest in Syria, the downturn in economy in this nation and Europe, the rise of China and India in economy and so forth. We don't know what these changes hold for us in this nation or as an individual in today's global village.
I donot know what 2012 is going to bring to the world in general, who is going to be the next president of this country, or who will rise or fall in the new year. I have no idea what coming year holds for me and my family. But I know who hold our future in His hands. Because I love and trust Him for His mercy, faithfulness and goodness, I can rest in Him whatever this year brings .
Yes, I too can confidently sing,
"He who hath helped the hiterto
Will help thee all thy journey through."
As the door shuts on this year, I bow before my Lord to praise and worship Him for who He is and would invite Him to walk me through the coming year in His faithfulness. I pray that I will yield me for Him to shine through me more and my fellowship with Him be more intimate so that my life would be worth for His glory.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
How Big is Your God?
" How big is your God?" asked Robert Schuller facing his Crystal Cathedral congregation one Sunday. Since I was watching the service on television, the question was thrown at me too. "Oh my God is sooooo big!" I felt like shouting and declare my faith, but then something stopped me.
I could get all worked up and shout as much as I want to declare my faith, but do I truly display God's greatness in my daily walk? How does the world see my God through me? Big or small? Almighty and powerful or small and invisible?
Some years ago, while driving through the rocky mountains in Alberta, Canada during the freezing month of February, my family and I were caught in the twirl of a winter blizzard. Blinding snow clouded our vision and its' anger shook our aged oldsmobile like a rattle and almost toppled it over. In the back seat, our seven-year -old and eighteen -month -old daughters were sleeping like angels with smile shading their faces,undisturbed by the calamity outside. In front, my husband and I, who were thought to be great giants of faith, sat frozen in fear not knowing what to do next. Gladly, it occured to me to pray and that's what I did.
"O Lord, stop the blizzard! That's the shortest prayer I'd ever uttered. I doubt whether I expected God to stop such a monstrous winter storm instantaneously. But it did happen. Yes, I saw the blizzard brought to a halt at once, and a wedge of blue sky widening before my eyes. On that day, I witnessed a miracle happening just like the Jesus' disciples who witnessed the storm brought to a stop by the rebuke of Jesus. Here I didn't hear any audible voice halting the blizzard, but I saw the blizzard vanishing without a trace within a blinking moment. To me, it was so unbelievable that I teared up every time I thought of that incident.
Like many of you, I've experienced God's grace helping me out of trouble, sickness and danger at many times. However this incident stood like a pinnacle among them. For a long time, I couldn't understand why this particular act of God stood out from all the other deliverance in my life. Then it hit me.
Even though I prayed, I hadn't expected God to come to my aid and stop the storm as Jesus did for His disciples on the boat. In some way, I've thought my God is not big enough to whisk away a blizzard. Maybe in my mind, I've considered nature to be more powerful than the God I worship. In words, I may have praised Him to be great and all-powerful, but when disaster or distress blindens my path, I somehow forget the omnipotent vision of God.
Who knows, I would be even quick to defend myself if someone has pointed that to me, for I wouldn't have even realized it for myself. Either I've seen myself too unworthy for God's intervention or God to be not too big enough to handle such a deadly winter blizzard. In either way, I'd been wrong in my belief. If I'm a believer in Christ, God becomes my heavenly Father who is capable of delivering His children when they cry out to Him for help. On the other hand, God is also the creator of all creations. Sun, moon, rain,thunder , wind and storm obey when He summons them. So, it's my thinking that need to be corrected. Otherwise, my faith becomes just a talk, but not a walk!***
Today I received an announcement of a Liebster Award for my posting on this blog from Jan Cox, the owner of Under the Cover of Prayer site. Jan had written two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study
She wrote -Just found this blog from a fellow Inscribe membr. She wrote a wonderful post on prayer called Precious Link to God: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Remember to check out Jan Cox's blogs
I could get all worked up and shout as much as I want to declare my faith, but do I truly display God's greatness in my daily walk? How does the world see my God through me? Big or small? Almighty and powerful or small and invisible?
Some years ago, while driving through the rocky mountains in Alberta, Canada during the freezing month of February, my family and I were caught in the twirl of a winter blizzard. Blinding snow clouded our vision and its' anger shook our aged oldsmobile like a rattle and almost toppled it over. In the back seat, our seven-year -old and eighteen -month -old daughters were sleeping like angels with smile shading their faces,undisturbed by the calamity outside. In front, my husband and I, who were thought to be great giants of faith, sat frozen in fear not knowing what to do next. Gladly, it occured to me to pray and that's what I did.
"O Lord, stop the blizzard! That's the shortest prayer I'd ever uttered. I doubt whether I expected God to stop such a monstrous winter storm instantaneously. But it did happen. Yes, I saw the blizzard brought to a halt at once, and a wedge of blue sky widening before my eyes. On that day, I witnessed a miracle happening just like the Jesus' disciples who witnessed the storm brought to a stop by the rebuke of Jesus. Here I didn't hear any audible voice halting the blizzard, but I saw the blizzard vanishing without a trace within a blinking moment. To me, it was so unbelievable that I teared up every time I thought of that incident.
Like many of you, I've experienced God's grace helping me out of trouble, sickness and danger at many times. However this incident stood like a pinnacle among them. For a long time, I couldn't understand why this particular act of God stood out from all the other deliverance in my life. Then it hit me.
Even though I prayed, I hadn't expected God to come to my aid and stop the storm as Jesus did for His disciples on the boat. In some way, I've thought my God is not big enough to whisk away a blizzard. Maybe in my mind, I've considered nature to be more powerful than the God I worship. In words, I may have praised Him to be great and all-powerful, but when disaster or distress blindens my path, I somehow forget the omnipotent vision of God.
Who knows, I would be even quick to defend myself if someone has pointed that to me, for I wouldn't have even realized it for myself. Either I've seen myself too unworthy for God's intervention or God to be not too big enough to handle such a deadly winter blizzard. In either way, I'd been wrong in my belief. If I'm a believer in Christ, God becomes my heavenly Father who is capable of delivering His children when they cry out to Him for help. On the other hand, God is also the creator of all creations. Sun, moon, rain,thunder , wind and storm obey when He summons them. So, it's my thinking that need to be corrected. Otherwise, my faith becomes just a talk, but not a walk!***
Today I received an announcement of a Liebster Award for my posting on this blog from Jan Cox, the owner of Under the Cover of Prayer site. Jan had written two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study
She wrote -Just found this blog from a fellow Inscribe membr. She wrote a wonderful post on prayer called Precious Link to God: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Remember to check out Jan Cox's blogs
Monday, November 28, 2011
Called to Write-- Sulo Moorthy
C.S.Lewis once wanted to become a great poet. A ruling passion to achieve acclaim as a poet controlled him at one time.But after he came to Christ, another passion,his passion for Christ, must have over-ruled his earlier desire, because in one of his letters he openly admitted that his frantic desire to succeed as a great poet became almost an idol to him that God had to put an end to it.
The C.S.Lewis, whom we have come to love through his writings is well known internationally for his prose writing rather than for his poetry. If the author had clung to his dream of becoming a poet and not yielded to God's guiding, the world may have lost the chance to enjoy the reading of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity.
I chuckle at the thought that even I once wanted to become a great writer. The truth is, until I turned 50, I had no idea what the word freelance writer truly meant. Creative cooking was my passion, not creative writing. Tired of being the guinea pig for my recipes, my husband decided to divert my attention by asking me to write a cookbook. His suggestion sounded splendid in my ears, but what did I know about writing a cookbook?
Luckily, I came across a writers' correspondence course in a magazine, and decided to enroll with the hope of writing my cookbook. But by the time I finished my course, I had completely forgotten about writing a cookbook; Instead,I started to write inspirational articles and devotionals for Christian market. It's amazing how God's leading takes us to places where we would have never thought of going. I never intended to become a writer. But, here, I am pounding the keys and writing stories or posting blogs. There are days when I want to just quit writing. But I don't, because I know I'm called to write.
I remember a time in the early days of my writing life,when I got frustrated over a my story writing and spending the night tossing and turning in bed ,wondering , whether to quit writing or not, I came down the stairs the next morning in a sulky mood. As I entered the kitchen, I saw something bright and red flashing from the window sill. Smiling atop the potted hibiscus plant on the sill were three freshly blossomed , jumbo-sized flowers. Ever since I noticed the buds on the plant, I was waiting for them to bloom. But they didn't until that very morning. Perfectly timed, they had blossomed on the day I desperately needed some uplifting of spirit.
It was as if God was trying to cheer me up with the bouquet of flowers. I felt as if God was telling me, if you could tend a dying plant and nurture it to grow and blossom, you could definitely tend to your writing and make it flourish it too. Not wanting to forget His message, I quickly grabbed my camera and took a snapshot of the plant. Whenever writing becomes a battle and quitting seems an easy option, the photograph on my desk enables me to keep going.
Another time, I was going through my old journals, when I came across something I had written some years back. It was the Lord’s Prayer I had written for my own understanding. I didn’t intend to share it with anyone or ever thought of submitting to any publication. But something within me nudged me to submit it for publication. I quickly discarded the idea, thinking that no publisher would ever want to publish something written by a lay person like me on the Lord's Prayer. There's no way I'm going to send it to any publisher, I thought and tried to get away from the thought. But the nudging went on.
Finally I gave in, and submitted&the article to the Edmonton Journal with the least expectation of getting an acceptance. I was living in Saskatoon at that time and I had no way of checking whether my article was published or not unless I went to the local library to get the Edmonton Journal. But I didn't bother to do that. Three Sundays later I received a phone call from a woman asking me whether I was the person who wrote the article, Let's pray with a clear understanding in the Edmonton Journal. When I said yes, she thanked me for writing the article and told me how it had helped her to better understand the Prayer. I had no idea how she obtained my phone number, but we spent at least half an hour talking on the phone that morning.
If I want to answer Brenda’s question, “One change that transformed my writing life,” I’d point to the above two reasons that keep me going still.
The C.S.Lewis, whom we have come to love through his writings is well known internationally for his prose writing rather than for his poetry. If the author had clung to his dream of becoming a poet and not yielded to God's guiding, the world may have lost the chance to enjoy the reading of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity.
I chuckle at the thought that even I once wanted to become a great writer. The truth is, until I turned 50, I had no idea what the word freelance writer truly meant. Creative cooking was my passion, not creative writing. Tired of being the guinea pig for my recipes, my husband decided to divert my attention by asking me to write a cookbook. His suggestion sounded splendid in my ears, but what did I know about writing a cookbook?
Luckily, I came across a writers' correspondence course in a magazine, and decided to enroll with the hope of writing my cookbook. But by the time I finished my course, I had completely forgotten about writing a cookbook; Instead,I started to write inspirational articles and devotionals for Christian market. It's amazing how God's leading takes us to places where we would have never thought of going. I never intended to become a writer. But, here, I am pounding the keys and writing stories or posting blogs. There are days when I want to just quit writing. But I don't, because I know I'm called to write.
I remember a time in the early days of my writing life,when I got frustrated over a my story writing and spending the night tossing and turning in bed ,wondering , whether to quit writing or not, I came down the stairs the next morning in a sulky mood. As I entered the kitchen, I saw something bright and red flashing from the window sill. Smiling atop the potted hibiscus plant on the sill were three freshly blossomed , jumbo-sized flowers. Ever since I noticed the buds on the plant, I was waiting for them to bloom. But they didn't until that very morning. Perfectly timed, they had blossomed on the day I desperately needed some uplifting of spirit.
It was as if God was trying to cheer me up with the bouquet of flowers. I felt as if God was telling me, if you could tend a dying plant and nurture it to grow and blossom, you could definitely tend to your writing and make it flourish it too. Not wanting to forget His message, I quickly grabbed my camera and took a snapshot of the plant. Whenever writing becomes a battle and quitting seems an easy option, the photograph on my desk enables me to keep going.
Another time, I was going through my old journals, when I came across something I had written some years back. It was the Lord’s Prayer I had written for my own understanding. I didn’t intend to share it with anyone or ever thought of submitting to any publication. But something within me nudged me to submit it for publication. I quickly discarded the idea, thinking that no publisher would ever want to publish something written by a lay person like me on the Lord's Prayer. There's no way I'm going to send it to any publisher, I thought and tried to get away from the thought. But the nudging went on.
Finally I gave in, and submitted&the article to the Edmonton Journal with the least expectation of getting an acceptance. I was living in Saskatoon at that time and I had no way of checking whether my article was published or not unless I went to the local library to get the Edmonton Journal. But I didn't bother to do that. Three Sundays later I received a phone call from a woman asking me whether I was the person who wrote the article, Let's pray with a clear understanding in the Edmonton Journal. When I said yes, she thanked me for writing the article and told me how it had helped her to better understand the Prayer. I had no idea how she obtained my phone number, but we spent at least half an hour talking on the phone that morning.
If I want to answer Brenda’s question, “One change that transformed my writing life,” I’d point to the above two reasons that keep me going still.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Precious link to God-P-R-A-Y-E-R.
This morning when I woke up, it's still dark outside,but my bedside clock read 6.45 in bright red. Yes, it was another morning of hurried prayer uttered on knees, a quick shower and ten minutes dress up, devotional read, cereal instead of warm oatmeal with cinnamon and honey, grab the jacket and out the door. Yes, it was one of those late mornings you hate to get up to go to work. Worse, my hubby wanted to take a conference call and he needed to use the telephone on my desk. Result-I had to drag myself out of my bed to the dining table for my morning devotions.
Let me not utter anything before I share what I read this morning from my favorite devotional book Streams in the Desert. I want you to be blessed as I was when I read what prayer warriors like Andrew Muray and A.B. Simpson had told about Prayer.
"Do we know the power of our supernatural weapon? Do we dare to use it with the authority of faith that commands as well as asks? God baptizes us with holy audacity an ddivine confidence! He is not wanting great men, but He is wanting men who will dare to prove the greatness of their God. But God! But prayer!" A.B. Simpson
"Beware in your prayer, above everything, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things, above all that we ask or think. Each time you intercede, be quiet first and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, of how He deligts to hear Christ, of your place in Christ; and expect great things. "Andrew Murray.
Can I expect great things with my kind of hurried prayer? Does my prayer look like a supernatural weapon or has the holy audacity and divine confidence these men talk about. I say nay, nay, and nay with great conviction. Prayer has lost its' power in my hands, in my circle and in the church of today. Why? Because we've either become too busy working for God or too busy working for us.
O God, Awesome and Almighty One,
Help us to wake up and see You as You want us to see Your power and majesty. You've so much to give us but we are too blind to see the divine inheritance You're provided us. It's only a prayer away the key to victory abides and yet we are so ignorant and power deprived because of our prayerless or quick-fix prayer life. Help us to become prayer warriors like Andrew Murray , A.B. Simpson and others like them, so that this world could witness what a powerful and mighty God You are. Amen.
Let me not utter anything before I share what I read this morning from my favorite devotional book Streams in the Desert. I want you to be blessed as I was when I read what prayer warriors like Andrew Muray and A.B. Simpson had told about Prayer.
"Do we know the power of our supernatural weapon? Do we dare to use it with the authority of faith that commands as well as asks? God baptizes us with holy audacity an ddivine confidence! He is not wanting great men, but He is wanting men who will dare to prove the greatness of their God. But God! But prayer!" A.B. Simpson
"Beware in your prayer, above everything, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things, above all that we ask or think. Each time you intercede, be quiet first and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, of how He deligts to hear Christ, of your place in Christ; and expect great things. "Andrew Murray.
Can I expect great things with my kind of hurried prayer? Does my prayer look like a supernatural weapon or has the holy audacity and divine confidence these men talk about. I say nay, nay, and nay with great conviction. Prayer has lost its' power in my hands, in my circle and in the church of today. Why? Because we've either become too busy working for God or too busy working for us.
O God, Awesome and Almighty One,
Help us to wake up and see You as You want us to see Your power and majesty. You've so much to give us but we are too blind to see the divine inheritance You're provided us. It's only a prayer away the key to victory abides and yet we are so ignorant and power deprived because of our prayerless or quick-fix prayer life. Help us to become prayer warriors like Andrew Murray , A.B. Simpson and others like them, so that this world could witness what a powerful and mighty God You are. Amen.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Worry-The Worm that eats us alive
Worry, just the mention of the word make me weary and mournful. Like a gnawing bad tooth that need to be pulled out ,worry need to be pulled out firm and whole for us to know the joy of living. Life without worry is sure to be wonderful. Yet, we choose to worry. Why? Maybe it has become a second nature to us from the time of the Fall in the garden of Eden.
From the moment, Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit in the garden, worry entered without permission to displace the joy and contentment she enjoyed with Adam at that place. Worry made her drag Adam along and hide under the bushes to get away from God's sight and wrath. Worry does make us do stupid things and get frantic in panic.
The have- nots worry of not having enough to spend and survive, while those who have, worry about how to secure what they have from losing them.
The homeless worry they don't have a house to call their home, while those housed in mansions worry they have no free time to enjoy the luxury of the houses they've acquired.
The unmarried worry of not getting married at all, while the married worry about how to keep their marriage happy and secure.
The unemployed worry about not finding a job, while the employed worry about keeping the job and toiling long hours.
Some women worry about not getting pregnant, while some others worry when they become pregnant.
Funny it may sound, but it's true that we start to worry when we haven't got anything at all to worry about. It's no secret worry depletes our enthusiasm to enjoy life, drains our energy, degrades our confidence and delay and destroy our opportunity to do anything productive. Still, we give into worry.
So, how do we get out of this menace called worry?
Pray, ponder, prioritize, release and rest.
Pray about everything you fear and worry about.
If you worry about not having enough to make ends meet or about your future, , go to the One who saidl
"For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you."
"What if?" is the question we raise most often and tend to imagine the worst possible scenerio and starts to worry.
But, if we trace back the record of things we worried about in the past, we'd realize that most of the things we were anxious about hardly came to pass. In vain we had wasted our God given time on worrying, instead of doing something productive. So, the next time the " What if " question strikes you, be courageous enough to slap it with the question, 'So, what?"
As long as we trust in God's goodness and faithfulness, we need not give into the habit of worrying.
"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mathew 11:28.
If in doubt, look back on some darkened pages in your life and see whether God had ever failed you.
He may have allowed you to go through some difficult periods, but you survived and came through stronger and better to handle and share your story for others benefits.That should give you the reason not to worry but to rest in the Lord.
Thirdly, we need to learn to prioritize the things in our lives. Stuff and busyness stews worry which in turn morphs into stress. We need God's wisdom to know what is valuable and worthy to spend our time on and distract the unneeded and unworthy activities from our to do list. By doing so, we save time, energy, marriage, family, and store them up for contentment.
Instead of being Worriers, let us prepare ourselves to become Warriors of Prayer and Faith. When we do, we become show pieces of God's faithfulness.***
From the moment, Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit in the garden, worry entered without permission to displace the joy and contentment she enjoyed with Adam at that place. Worry made her drag Adam along and hide under the bushes to get away from God's sight and wrath. Worry does make us do stupid things and get frantic in panic.
The have- nots worry of not having enough to spend and survive, while those who have, worry about how to secure what they have from losing them.
The homeless worry they don't have a house to call their home, while those housed in mansions worry they have no free time to enjoy the luxury of the houses they've acquired.
The unmarried worry of not getting married at all, while the married worry about how to keep their marriage happy and secure.
The unemployed worry about not finding a job, while the employed worry about keeping the job and toiling long hours.
Some women worry about not getting pregnant, while some others worry when they become pregnant.
Funny it may sound, but it's true that we start to worry when we haven't got anything at all to worry about. It's no secret worry depletes our enthusiasm to enjoy life, drains our energy, degrades our confidence and delay and destroy our opportunity to do anything productive. Still, we give into worry.
So, how do we get out of this menace called worry?
Pray, ponder, prioritize, release and rest.
Pray about everything you fear and worry about.
If you worry about not having enough to make ends meet or about your future, , go to the One who saidl
"For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you."
"What if?" is the question we raise most often and tend to imagine the worst possible scenerio and starts to worry.
But, if we trace back the record of things we worried about in the past, we'd realize that most of the things we were anxious about hardly came to pass. In vain we had wasted our God given time on worrying, instead of doing something productive. So, the next time the " What if " question strikes you, be courageous enough to slap it with the question, 'So, what?"
As long as we trust in God's goodness and faithfulness, we need not give into the habit of worrying.
"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mathew 11:28.
If in doubt, look back on some darkened pages in your life and see whether God had ever failed you.
He may have allowed you to go through some difficult periods, but you survived and came through stronger and better to handle and share your story for others benefits.That should give you the reason not to worry but to rest in the Lord.
Thirdly, we need to learn to prioritize the things in our lives. Stuff and busyness stews worry which in turn morphs into stress. We need God's wisdom to know what is valuable and worthy to spend our time on and distract the unneeded and unworthy activities from our to do list. By doing so, we save time, energy, marriage, family, and store them up for contentment.
Instead of being Worriers, let us prepare ourselves to become Warriors of Prayer and Faith. When we do, we become show pieces of God's faithfulness.***
Friday, November 25, 2011
When God Seems Silent
When God seems silent, was the topic Pastor Bob chose to preach this morning. A great subject to teach I thought because who in the world hadn't experienced God's silence from time to time to their pleas and petitions. We may have raised so many Why?s looking up at the ceiling and weeping, when our requsts seemed bouncing back instead of getting through to the Throne room.
I'd like to share what Oswald Chamber has written about God's silence in his devotional book My Utmost for His Highest.
"If God has given you silence, then praise Him- He is bringing yu into the mainstream of His purpose... His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into an even more wonderful understanding of Himself.
A wonderful thing about God's silence is that His stillness is contagious-it gets into you, causing you to become perfectly confident so that you can honestly say, " I know that God has heard me." His silence is the very proof that He has. ... If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, then He will give you the first sign of His intimacy-Silence."
Wow! What a lover of God Oswald Chamber must had been to come to that level of trust in God. In comparison, I stand in faith like a Liliputian in faith. We all want our prayers answered promptly, mostly with a big Yes. A "No," or a delay make us anxious, downhearted, and even to give up praying and quit on God.
If I could summarize last Sunday's sermon into a few paragraphs, it would read like the following:
"Persist on your prayers!" Jesus' stories of persistant widow who went to the judge and the man who put up his friend at night to get some loaves of bread to feed the stranger who came to his house. In otherwords, we're required to persist in our asking until we get a clear 'No ' from God. Tha't something new to me for I usually stop asking the same thing after a few times thinking that it may not be God's will.
Deal with your sin before you expect to hear an answer from heaven. Confess, repent and wait patiently for God to answer you.
Our falling world and satan's demonic power in the world are real and because of that we face with problems, disasters and attacks along with the rest of the world and those times we may see God as silent and distant. A perfect example is what happened on 9/11. Believers as well as non believers died on that day when the plane hit the twin towers. Many would have prayed before they left for work at the Towers on that day, and many of the family members must have prayed for their loved ones protection on that morning. It did seem God to be silent and far away to many of the prayers that was raised later that day. Yes, we live in a rotten world where evil exists and people chose to kill and destroy innocent people for their own reason and justification.
Sometimes God's silence remind us who God is. Otherwise, it's easy for us to fall into pride and arrogance if we get our way all the time. God's silence sometimes mean that the miracle is just a day or two away, but have we got the faith to believe that God could turn around anything for good at His timing.
God is silent at times in order to save us from ourselves. Yes, it sounds crazy, but it's true. Looking back on our lives, how many of are so thankful that God say "No" to some of our desperate prayer requsts. How many disasters and distreses were avoided because God kept silent to our wants.
God chooses to be silent to train us for His ministry. His silence teaches us to trust Him completely. He doesn't want us to see Him as a Genie who grant all our wishes to appease us. Instead He wants us to see Him as a loving Father who know what and when to give His children what they ask. He doesn't want to grow up like bratty kids who shouts " I hate you!" when the parents refuses to give or allow them to do what they want. Instead, He wants us to be loving and understanding children who trust the Father's unconditional love rather than loving Him for His gifts and yeses.
I pray that you and I will grow to have the faith like Oswald Chambers who saw love, faithfulness, and intimacy in God's silence
I'd like to share what Oswald Chamber has written about God's silence in his devotional book My Utmost for His Highest.
"If God has given you silence, then praise Him- He is bringing yu into the mainstream of His purpose... His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into an even more wonderful understanding of Himself.
A wonderful thing about God's silence is that His stillness is contagious-it gets into you, causing you to become perfectly confident so that you can honestly say, " I know that God has heard me." His silence is the very proof that He has. ... If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, then He will give you the first sign of His intimacy-Silence."
Wow! What a lover of God Oswald Chamber must had been to come to that level of trust in God. In comparison, I stand in faith like a Liliputian in faith. We all want our prayers answered promptly, mostly with a big Yes. A "No," or a delay make us anxious, downhearted, and even to give up praying and quit on God.
If I could summarize last Sunday's sermon into a few paragraphs, it would read like the following:
"Persist on your prayers!" Jesus' stories of persistant widow who went to the judge and the man who put up his friend at night to get some loaves of bread to feed the stranger who came to his house. In otherwords, we're required to persist in our asking until we get a clear 'No ' from God. Tha't something new to me for I usually stop asking the same thing after a few times thinking that it may not be God's will.
Deal with your sin before you expect to hear an answer from heaven. Confess, repent and wait patiently for God to answer you.
Our falling world and satan's demonic power in the world are real and because of that we face with problems, disasters and attacks along with the rest of the world and those times we may see God as silent and distant. A perfect example is what happened on 9/11. Believers as well as non believers died on that day when the plane hit the twin towers. Many would have prayed before they left for work at the Towers on that day, and many of the family members must have prayed for their loved ones protection on that morning. It did seem God to be silent and far away to many of the prayers that was raised later that day. Yes, we live in a rotten world where evil exists and people chose to kill and destroy innocent people for their own reason and justification.
Sometimes God's silence remind us who God is. Otherwise, it's easy for us to fall into pride and arrogance if we get our way all the time. God's silence sometimes mean that the miracle is just a day or two away, but have we got the faith to believe that God could turn around anything for good at His timing.
God is silent at times in order to save us from ourselves. Yes, it sounds crazy, but it's true. Looking back on our lives, how many of are so thankful that God say "No" to some of our desperate prayer requsts. How many disasters and distreses were avoided because God kept silent to our wants.
God chooses to be silent to train us for His ministry. His silence teaches us to trust Him completely. He doesn't want us to see Him as a Genie who grant all our wishes to appease us. Instead He wants us to see Him as a loving Father who know what and when to give His children what they ask. He doesn't want to grow up like bratty kids who shouts " I hate you!" when the parents refuses to give or allow them to do what they want. Instead, He wants us to be loving and understanding children who trust the Father's unconditional love rather than loving Him for His gifts and yeses.
I pray that you and I will grow to have the faith like Oswald Chambers who saw love, faithfulness, and intimacy in God's silence
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving Day-2011
It's Thanksgiving Day here in US and we are given a day to take off and to celebrate the day with family near and far and thank God for all the blessings this year.
Thanksgiving withour roasted turkey in most homes never happens,
but we in our family are no turkey lovers, and couldn't find a whole chicken at Vons to roast this year.
So, in the humble surrounding of my home
As I punch out these words onto the screen,
Lamb marinated in herbs and spices is roasting in the oven
Green been cassserole topped with roasted onion is baking on the lower shelf
Sourcream mixed mashed potatoes and celery/mint salad resting on the counter ready to be served
And pumkin cheesecake sourcream topping and sprinkles of pecans is chilling in the refrigerator.
All the toil of baking and roasting , just four of us to sit down, thank and dine
Is it worth the time and trouble for only a few mouths to feed
Oh yes, and O yes, it's worth all the trouble
For these are the times that are stored and remembered in years to come.
Our children will tell their children how they celebrated their Thanksgiving Day in their parents' home
how they prayed and thanked the Lord for each and every blessing they had in this home.
Each day is a Thanksgiving Day for you and me
And each blessing we get from God need not be taken for granted.
It's good to set a day apart to celebrate this day with family and friends
And it's fun to roast the turkey or lamb, bake the pie, and eat and laugh with family on this special day.
Thanksgiving withour roasted turkey in most homes never happens,
but we in our family are no turkey lovers, and couldn't find a whole chicken at Vons to roast this year.
So, in the humble surrounding of my home
As I punch out these words onto the screen,
Lamb marinated in herbs and spices is roasting in the oven
Green been cassserole topped with roasted onion is baking on the lower shelf
Sourcream mixed mashed potatoes and celery/mint salad resting on the counter ready to be served
And pumkin cheesecake sourcream topping and sprinkles of pecans is chilling in the refrigerator.
All the toil of baking and roasting , just four of us to sit down, thank and dine
Is it worth the time and trouble for only a few mouths to feed
Oh yes, and O yes, it's worth all the trouble
For these are the times that are stored and remembered in years to come.
Our children will tell their children how they celebrated their Thanksgiving Day in their parents' home
how they prayed and thanked the Lord for each and every blessing they had in this home.
Each day is a Thanksgiving Day for you and me
And each blessing we get from God need not be taken for granted.
It's good to set a day apart to celebrate this day with family and friends
And it's fun to roast the turkey or lamb, bake the pie, and eat and laugh with family on this special day.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Day.... Oh Happy Day!
Today turned out to be a very good and happy day for me. Or what else can I call it when I sat at my endochronologist room nervously waiting for him to walk in at anytime with my blood reports. Soon,there walked in my doctor with his handsome face beaming and his mouth voicing, "I've great news and good news for you!" Oh, what a relief that was for me.
When he saw me last year, he was concerned about the rise in sugar level and was surprised that my family physician hadn't put me on medication for that. He was certain that my blood sugar level would read much higher by the time he sees me in a year. His prediction got me worried as wel as mad at him for telling me so. I left the room that day with the intention of changing to another endochronologist, but the year passed by quickly that I didn't even have time to think of finding another endochronologist.
So, today, when I walked into his office, I was expecting him to come with news I didn't want to hear. To my disbelief, when the doctor walked in and announced the good news that not only my sugar level has come down, but I wasn't going to be diabetic in the near future, tears misted my eyes.
I was glad that his prediction last year hadn't turn out to be correct. Praise God, prayer does has power to bring down any stronghold, even bringing down doctor's prediction. Prayer works! No doubt about it.
The doctor wanted to know what I've been doing differently since he saw him last. I couldn't think of anything other than cutting down on sugar, adding bittermelon often into my diet, and of course praying. I was even bold enough to tell the doctor that I prayed a lot about it. I don't know what he thought about it, but I truly believed prayer played a major part in it for me to hear such good news.
Also, the day at work and home went well with no mishaps that I claim this day to be one of the happy days to remember.
When he saw me last year, he was concerned about the rise in sugar level and was surprised that my family physician hadn't put me on medication for that. He was certain that my blood sugar level would read much higher by the time he sees me in a year. His prediction got me worried as wel as mad at him for telling me so. I left the room that day with the intention of changing to another endochronologist, but the year passed by quickly that I didn't even have time to think of finding another endochronologist.
So, today, when I walked into his office, I was expecting him to come with news I didn't want to hear. To my disbelief, when the doctor walked in and announced the good news that not only my sugar level has come down, but I wasn't going to be diabetic in the near future, tears misted my eyes.
I was glad that his prediction last year hadn't turn out to be correct. Praise God, prayer does has power to bring down any stronghold, even bringing down doctor's prediction. Prayer works! No doubt about it.
The doctor wanted to know what I've been doing differently since he saw him last. I couldn't think of anything other than cutting down on sugar, adding bittermelon often into my diet, and of course praying. I was even bold enough to tell the doctor that I prayed a lot about it. I don't know what he thought about it, but I truly believed prayer played a major part in it for me to hear such good news.
Also, the day at work and home went well with no mishaps that I claim this day to be one of the happy days to remember.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Stop and Listen
If hands could heal, ears could listen. We have got eye lids to close up when we don't want to see something and lips to keep our mouth shut when we don't want to say anything. We can make our ears to perk up when evesdropping others conversation, but we cannot make our earlobes to close up when we aren't interested in hearing something. Doesn't that say something to us? Yes, it does say that our ears are meant to be kept open at all times.
Even with sight of 20/20 we can see only upto a limited distance. But our hearing can detect long distant signals. If not for the hearing ability, most of the preyed animals would end up as snacks in the pedators mouth without much problem. Ears get alerted at the slight sound of oncoming danger as well as to enjoy the cheerful music that comes from the nature around- the song of a nightingale, the lashing of waves against the shore, the crackling fire, the pitter patter of rain on the rooftop .
In the Gospel of Mathew, we heard Jesus say, "He has ears to hear, let him hear!"." Does that mean we do not hear even when our ears are physically kept wide open at all times. It does sound as if we don't hear even when we've the ability to hear. We tend to become selective in our hearing. We may hear, but choose not to listen at times. Other times our ears are wide open to hear what we're supposed not to hear-evesdropping.
When my daughters were babies, my ears were so attuned to their every whimper and moves that I didn't need to use a babymonitor to survey their movements. A slight whimper of them in their sleep made me to jump out of the bed at nights and be at their crib's side wide eyed. However when they were in their teen years, my ears must have somehow got dulled in the hurry-burry of life that they had to sometimes wake me up shouting, " Mom, you don't listen when we say something to you" Probably, I must have got into the habit of selective hearing by then.
It's sad, but true, we likewise get into the habit of selective hearing to God's voice too. No wonder, Jesus said, "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear."
The world around us swirls with all kinds of voices. Some are soft and soothing to hear while others are loud and jarring to make us close our ears. We may hear these noises if they are loud enough to draw our attention. Hearing doesn't equal listening. I can passby a street musician playing a violin, still not have ears to listen to his music. Or I can spend a whole hour seated on the church pew hearing the paster preach, yet hadn't listened to a single thing he had said. In other words, I haven't got the hears to hear the music on the street or the pastor's sermon.
Under God's orchestration, sound of music is playing all around us to bring us joy; the happy tweet of little birds flying around, thrashing of rolling waves and rushing waterfalls, spitting and spurting of burning wood, crying of a baby, thumping of little feet, clapping of tree branches and thundering in the sky.
Because life can become dull and mundane at times and hasty and nasty other times. To bounce and balance emotions, God the Creator has made the nature to entertain us at every turn. Sadly, we've either become too busy to listen, or the drum of the world has drowned the sweet sound of it and deafened our ears to the lively melody of God's music.
One of my favorite scripture verse Isaiah 50:4-5 reads as follows:
" The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue
to know the word that sustains the weary
He wakens me morning by morning
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears
and I have not been rebellious.
I have not drawn back."
Oh, what a beautiful verse that describes how God tries to wake him up morning by morning and make his ears perk up to listen like one being taught. O what a blessing that could be, if our ears get attuned to listen to God's Word as one being taught. For us to come to that state like Isaiah, we need to slow down from our hectic strides, take time to be still before the Lord to listen to what He says.
We all want God to listen to our pleas and petitions. Isn't it too sad that we want our voice to be heard in heaven, but have no time to listen to God's voice? Little do we realize, it's not God, but we loses by not having time to spend with God. Our busyness take us nowhere except to stress, ill health and medications. On the other hand, having ears to hear God's voice make us live a fulfilled life as God intends us to live. Instead of dancing to the drum of the world, we'd start dancing to God's music.***
Even with sight of 20/20 we can see only upto a limited distance. But our hearing can detect long distant signals. If not for the hearing ability, most of the preyed animals would end up as snacks in the pedators mouth without much problem. Ears get alerted at the slight sound of oncoming danger as well as to enjoy the cheerful music that comes from the nature around- the song of a nightingale, the lashing of waves against the shore, the crackling fire, the pitter patter of rain on the rooftop .
In the Gospel of Mathew, we heard Jesus say, "He has ears to hear, let him hear!"." Does that mean we do not hear even when our ears are physically kept wide open at all times. It does sound as if we don't hear even when we've the ability to hear. We tend to become selective in our hearing. We may hear, but choose not to listen at times. Other times our ears are wide open to hear what we're supposed not to hear-evesdropping.
When my daughters were babies, my ears were so attuned to their every whimper and moves that I didn't need to use a babymonitor to survey their movements. A slight whimper of them in their sleep made me to jump out of the bed at nights and be at their crib's side wide eyed. However when they were in their teen years, my ears must have somehow got dulled in the hurry-burry of life that they had to sometimes wake me up shouting, " Mom, you don't listen when we say something to you" Probably, I must have got into the habit of selective hearing by then.
It's sad, but true, we likewise get into the habit of selective hearing to God's voice too. No wonder, Jesus said, "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear."
The world around us swirls with all kinds of voices. Some are soft and soothing to hear while others are loud and jarring to make us close our ears. We may hear these noises if they are loud enough to draw our attention. Hearing doesn't equal listening. I can passby a street musician playing a violin, still not have ears to listen to his music. Or I can spend a whole hour seated on the church pew hearing the paster preach, yet hadn't listened to a single thing he had said. In other words, I haven't got the hears to hear the music on the street or the pastor's sermon.
Under God's orchestration, sound of music is playing all around us to bring us joy; the happy tweet of little birds flying around, thrashing of rolling waves and rushing waterfalls, spitting and spurting of burning wood, crying of a baby, thumping of little feet, clapping of tree branches and thundering in the sky.
Because life can become dull and mundane at times and hasty and nasty other times. To bounce and balance emotions, God the Creator has made the nature to entertain us at every turn. Sadly, we've either become too busy to listen, or the drum of the world has drowned the sweet sound of it and deafened our ears to the lively melody of God's music.
One of my favorite scripture verse Isaiah 50:4-5 reads as follows:
" The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue
to know the word that sustains the weary
He wakens me morning by morning
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears
and I have not been rebellious.
I have not drawn back."
Oh, what a beautiful verse that describes how God tries to wake him up morning by morning and make his ears perk up to listen like one being taught. O what a blessing that could be, if our ears get attuned to listen to God's Word as one being taught. For us to come to that state like Isaiah, we need to slow down from our hectic strides, take time to be still before the Lord to listen to what He says.
We all want God to listen to our pleas and petitions. Isn't it too sad that we want our voice to be heard in heaven, but have no time to listen to God's voice? Little do we realize, it's not God, but we loses by not having time to spend with God. Our busyness take us nowhere except to stress, ill health and medications. On the other hand, having ears to hear God's voice make us live a fulfilled life as God intends us to live. Instead of dancing to the drum of the world, we'd start dancing to God's music.***
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Touch of Grace
When did you have a hard look at your hands, palms up and palms down recently. Probably the time you got your nails done if you're a woman. The talk about the power of tongue, mouth and heart, we've often heard on positive as well as in a negative sense. But rarely do we pull the hands into the scene to talk about. But Max Lucado did. If you have read my earlier blog posts you'd have by known that I'm ardent fan of the author for I've even a post titled Max Lucado and I. I wrote that soon after I started reading his book Just Like Jesus,which I'm referring now. In the book, he has a chapter titled, The Touch of God, where he talks about the power of hands.
In his words, " All of us learned early that the hand is suited for more than survival- it's a tool of emotional expression. The same hand can help or hurt, extend or clench, lift someone up or shove someone down."
He further goes on to write, " Oh, the power of our hands. Leave them unmanaged and they become weapons; clawing for power, strangling for survival, seducing for pleasure. But manage them and our hands become instruments of grace-not just tools in the hands of God, but God's very hands. Surrender them and these five-fingered appendages become the hands of heaven."
"Wow! How powerful are his words. How powerful can our hands become, if only we could manage them well. I'm aware of the power of the tongue, the untamable organ that swirls and twirls inside the mouth, small in size, big in boasting and lashing if let loose. "It's an unruly evil, full of deadly poison," wrote James in James 3:8. I'm quite aware of it and that's why often bow my head and pray
"Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3)
I rarely gave a deep thought to the value of our hands until I read this chapter this morning. Lucado explains the healing touch of Christ on the leper who approached Him to be healed. The man, counted as untouchable in the eyes of society and requiered to shout, "Unclean" whenever he saw anyone in his viscinity desperately starved for human touch.
If he had a mirror, the disfigured sight of his face would have made him not to want to touch even his own face Yet, something inside inside him yearned to be touched, stroked and loved. He knew he could dream of such thing, but never would that come to reality. So, he did something which he wouldn't have attempted eversince he was banished from his village because of his cursed sickness. He crossed the barrier and reached out to the One whom he had heard of being a great teacher and a healer. Probably the Messiah everyone was waiting for. He must have doubted whether Jesus would stop and hear him if he called out to him from afar. He feared he'd be chased out like a dog if he went ever near the crowd. But he wanted to give a try, one and only he'd ever have. And it worked. Jesus did not only stop to hear him, he stretched out His hand to touch him .
The man felt the power of healing flowing all over his body in a soothing warmth. It was a divine touch which brought his deaden nerves alive and man began to feel the gritty stones and twigs under his feet.
Oh, the power of a godly touch.Our touch may not have a healing power to activate deaden nerves like the Jesus' healing touch. But it sure has the power to bring smile to a saddened face. Imagine what and what we can do with our hands to brighten another person's day. We could take up the phone and call someone you feel need to hear your voice. You could take the pen and write a note to someone needing encouraging words. You could bake a cake or make a dish and take it to someone who is convalescing or to a mom who is taking care of a sick child.
So, what did I do after reading the chapter? I did take the phone and called my sister-in-law in UK who is living alone in her seventies. She has had a hard life, losing her husband, my brother, just seven years into marriage and left to raise three daughters under the age of six. She had done a great job in raising them into three beautiful women, now in their 30's and 40's. Knowing she'd appreciate a call, I phoned and spent some enjoyable time talking to her.
Later, I went to feed my friend's cat in the opposite apartment. This weekend we're catsitting Bachi, the adorable black cat of my friend Trish. Usually petted and pamperd by my friend and her husband daily, Bachi is sure to miss them caresses and hugs. So, I made it a point to spend some time in stroking Bachi's belly, which she thoroughly enjoys and made her happy. Yes, I did use my hand to bring joy to my sister in law as well as my friend's cat Bachi today.
Along with that I cooked for my family, using my hand to cut the meat, chop the vegetables, adding the spices and making a delicious meal for them to enjoy. Now that I'm aware of the blessings I could bring to others with my hand, I'll remember to use it more. Normally I'm not someone who's comfortable in hugging others. It doesn't come to me natural to greet others with a hug. Maybe I'll make a point to do that more if that could bring some joy or comfort to someone. In the same time, I don't want to do it for the sake of doing. I prefer to be genuine than to fake and kid others as well as myself. Christian walk is about truth and sincerity. Jesus never faked to draw a crowd. But He did have a strong word for Pharisees and religious leaders of that time. He called them "Hypocrites!"
Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. There are so many untouchables in my world too, lonely and unloved for some reason or other. I pray that I'll remember to reach out and touch them with love and respect despite their status, race, belief which usually bar us from touching them.
In his words, " All of us learned early that the hand is suited for more than survival- it's a tool of emotional expression. The same hand can help or hurt, extend or clench, lift someone up or shove someone down."
He further goes on to write, " Oh, the power of our hands. Leave them unmanaged and they become weapons; clawing for power, strangling for survival, seducing for pleasure. But manage them and our hands become instruments of grace-not just tools in the hands of God, but God's very hands. Surrender them and these five-fingered appendages become the hands of heaven."
"Wow! How powerful are his words. How powerful can our hands become, if only we could manage them well. I'm aware of the power of the tongue, the untamable organ that swirls and twirls inside the mouth, small in size, big in boasting and lashing if let loose. "It's an unruly evil, full of deadly poison," wrote James in James 3:8. I'm quite aware of it and that's why often bow my head and pray
"Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3)
I rarely gave a deep thought to the value of our hands until I read this chapter this morning. Lucado explains the healing touch of Christ on the leper who approached Him to be healed. The man, counted as untouchable in the eyes of society and requiered to shout, "Unclean" whenever he saw anyone in his viscinity desperately starved for human touch.
If he had a mirror, the disfigured sight of his face would have made him not to want to touch even his own face Yet, something inside inside him yearned to be touched, stroked and loved. He knew he could dream of such thing, but never would that come to reality. So, he did something which he wouldn't have attempted eversince he was banished from his village because of his cursed sickness. He crossed the barrier and reached out to the One whom he had heard of being a great teacher and a healer. Probably the Messiah everyone was waiting for. He must have doubted whether Jesus would stop and hear him if he called out to him from afar. He feared he'd be chased out like a dog if he went ever near the crowd. But he wanted to give a try, one and only he'd ever have. And it worked. Jesus did not only stop to hear him, he stretched out His hand to touch him .
The man felt the power of healing flowing all over his body in a soothing warmth. It was a divine touch which brought his deaden nerves alive and man began to feel the gritty stones and twigs under his feet.
Oh, the power of a godly touch.Our touch may not have a healing power to activate deaden nerves like the Jesus' healing touch. But it sure has the power to bring smile to a saddened face. Imagine what and what we can do with our hands to brighten another person's day. We could take up the phone and call someone you feel need to hear your voice. You could take the pen and write a note to someone needing encouraging words. You could bake a cake or make a dish and take it to someone who is convalescing or to a mom who is taking care of a sick child.
So, what did I do after reading the chapter? I did take the phone and called my sister-in-law in UK who is living alone in her seventies. She has had a hard life, losing her husband, my brother, just seven years into marriage and left to raise three daughters under the age of six. She had done a great job in raising them into three beautiful women, now in their 30's and 40's. Knowing she'd appreciate a call, I phoned and spent some enjoyable time talking to her.
Later, I went to feed my friend's cat in the opposite apartment. This weekend we're catsitting Bachi, the adorable black cat of my friend Trish. Usually petted and pamperd by my friend and her husband daily, Bachi is sure to miss them caresses and hugs. So, I made it a point to spend some time in stroking Bachi's belly, which she thoroughly enjoys and made her happy. Yes, I did use my hand to bring joy to my sister in law as well as my friend's cat Bachi today.
Along with that I cooked for my family, using my hand to cut the meat, chop the vegetables, adding the spices and making a delicious meal for them to enjoy. Now that I'm aware of the blessings I could bring to others with my hand, I'll remember to use it more. Normally I'm not someone who's comfortable in hugging others. It doesn't come to me natural to greet others with a hug. Maybe I'll make a point to do that more if that could bring some joy or comfort to someone. In the same time, I don't want to do it for the sake of doing. I prefer to be genuine than to fake and kid others as well as myself. Christian walk is about truth and sincerity. Jesus never faked to draw a crowd. But He did have a strong word for Pharisees and religious leaders of that time. He called them "Hypocrites!"
Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. There are so many untouchables in my world too, lonely and unloved for some reason or other. I pray that I'll remember to reach out and touch them with love and respect despite their status, race, belief which usually bar us from touching them.
Monday, September 26, 2011
How to view the Old Testament?
Ever since the birth of the Church and the New Testament was written, so many questions had been raised by the believers regarding the laws and prophesies in the Old Testament. Many churches got split and various denominations sprouted out over the stand on certain law or doctrine. Unity which Christ spoke of and emphasized on sadly got chipped and chopped off by mere petty disagreement and prideful decisions.
Even in Paul's days, confusion rose when Paul tried to point to the heart of Christ rather than to the laws and rituals the people were accustomed to. When he gave more importance to the circumcision of heart rather than the circumcision of foreskin, his teaching were either misunderstood, misinterpreted or opposed by many who heard him. His undertaking of spreading the gospel among Gentiles were met with resistance by law abiding Jews of that time. Paul's journey was a rocky one and his message was confusing to many because they failed to see was trying to point to-the ultimate fulfillment of the Mosaic Law in Christ.
Paul defends himself telling the churches in Corinth and Galatia, how drenched he was in Judaism as a Pharisee and how zealous he was for the tradition of his fathers until he met Christ on his way to Damascus.
Once transformed by Christ and was on a journey to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, he focused on the essentials, the matters of the heart rather than tradition and ceremonial laws. He even confronted Peter, who was considered as one of the "Super Apostle" for being in the wrong. Traditionally, Jews never ate with Gentiles, because in their eyes, they were considered unclean. But Paul refused to take that path anymore. Once, a person is in Christ, Paul saw no difference between Jews and Gentiles. As such, he ate and fellowshipped with non-circumsized Gentiles. However, when Peter visited Paul and Baranabas in Antioch, at first he showed no reluctance to eat with the Gentiles as Paul did. But when James' men from Jerusalem visited Antioch, Peter avoided eating with the Gentiles in their company. His action disappointed and even angered Paul enough to confront Peter. What made worse was the fact Peter's reluctance influenced even Baranabas to avoid eating with the Gentiles.
It's understandable for men at that time to be confused by Paul's argument of taking up grace and not giving into Law, once you're crucified with Christ and made alive again. Expecting it to happen overnight was too much to ask on Paul's side. Though he was right in every respect, customs and traditonal laws cannot be easily cast away like old garments. No doubt Paul was sought after by mobs to be beaten and killed for trying the change their Jewish traditions.
Two millenia had passed and "We are under grace," preach many pastors and Bible teachers, but then why are they still quoting from OT regarding keeping the Sabbath, tithing, eating pork and so on. Church goers are confused whether they're walking on thin ice, not knowing whether to hold onto both and to let go of the old and grabbing on to NT.
It's interesting how Jesus Himself once said,when He was asked why His disciples did not fast as the disciples of John did " No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment. " The explanation given for the statement which I heard when I was growing up was that , if you try to join OT and NT and walk by the saying, it may not work for once Grace was given, there's no need to follow the old rules. Yet the distinction is not given clearly for everyones understanding because churches seem to do selective choices of the laws from OT and make them a yardstick to measure the faith of believers.
Yes, I understand that without OT, the New Testament wouldn't have made any sense for the Bible student. The Bible as a whole reveal the heart of God and the plan of salvation for the humankind. Without, the New Testament, the Old would have remain incomplete, the great plan not fulfilled. Likewise, without the Old Testament, history of humankind, Jewish nation, prophesies of a Saviour, God's faithfulness would have been missed. In truth, one relies on the other for fulfillment and to be complete. But caution need to be made to take context into consideration when time, culture and circumstance are taken into account. Plucking out scripture out of context to suit our purpose had produced calamity and division among churches and stained the beautiful image of the body of Christ.
Even in Paul's days, confusion rose when Paul tried to point to the heart of Christ rather than to the laws and rituals the people were accustomed to. When he gave more importance to the circumcision of heart rather than the circumcision of foreskin, his teaching were either misunderstood, misinterpreted or opposed by many who heard him. His undertaking of spreading the gospel among Gentiles were met with resistance by law abiding Jews of that time. Paul's journey was a rocky one and his message was confusing to many because they failed to see was trying to point to-the ultimate fulfillment of the Mosaic Law in Christ.
Paul defends himself telling the churches in Corinth and Galatia, how drenched he was in Judaism as a Pharisee and how zealous he was for the tradition of his fathers until he met Christ on his way to Damascus.
Once transformed by Christ and was on a journey to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, he focused on the essentials, the matters of the heart rather than tradition and ceremonial laws. He even confronted Peter, who was considered as one of the "Super Apostle" for being in the wrong. Traditionally, Jews never ate with Gentiles, because in their eyes, they were considered unclean. But Paul refused to take that path anymore. Once, a person is in Christ, Paul saw no difference between Jews and Gentiles. As such, he ate and fellowshipped with non-circumsized Gentiles. However, when Peter visited Paul and Baranabas in Antioch, at first he showed no reluctance to eat with the Gentiles as Paul did. But when James' men from Jerusalem visited Antioch, Peter avoided eating with the Gentiles in their company. His action disappointed and even angered Paul enough to confront Peter. What made worse was the fact Peter's reluctance influenced even Baranabas to avoid eating with the Gentiles.
It's understandable for men at that time to be confused by Paul's argument of taking up grace and not giving into Law, once you're crucified with Christ and made alive again. Expecting it to happen overnight was too much to ask on Paul's side. Though he was right in every respect, customs and traditonal laws cannot be easily cast away like old garments. No doubt Paul was sought after by mobs to be beaten and killed for trying the change their Jewish traditions.
Two millenia had passed and "We are under grace," preach many pastors and Bible teachers, but then why are they still quoting from OT regarding keeping the Sabbath, tithing, eating pork and so on. Church goers are confused whether they're walking on thin ice, not knowing whether to hold onto both and to let go of the old and grabbing on to NT.
It's interesting how Jesus Himself once said,when He was asked why His disciples did not fast as the disciples of John did " No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment. " The explanation given for the statement which I heard when I was growing up was that , if you try to join OT and NT and walk by the saying, it may not work for once Grace was given, there's no need to follow the old rules. Yet the distinction is not given clearly for everyones understanding because churches seem to do selective choices of the laws from OT and make them a yardstick to measure the faith of believers.
Yes, I understand that without OT, the New Testament wouldn't have made any sense for the Bible student. The Bible as a whole reveal the heart of God and the plan of salvation for the humankind. Without, the New Testament, the Old would have remain incomplete, the great plan not fulfilled. Likewise, without the Old Testament, history of humankind, Jewish nation, prophesies of a Saviour, God's faithfulness would have been missed. In truth, one relies on the other for fulfillment and to be complete. But caution need to be made to take context into consideration when time, culture and circumstance are taken into account. Plucking out scripture out of context to suit our purpose had produced calamity and division among churches and stained the beautiful image of the body of Christ.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Reflection on a Movie I watched
Last night, I watched the movie Other Side of Heaven, on Netflix. It's a true story of a young Mormon missionary sent on to spread the Good News with Tongo people in an island near Fiji. Young as he was and had to leave his girlfriend, love of his life and his family back home and sail to an unknown destination and to live among people whom he had never seen even in a picture, never knew to speak a word of his language nor tasted their food nor slept in a thatched hut like them brought tremendous anxiety and concerns.
Yet, in faith he stepped out of his house bading farewell to his loved ones and boarded the train in anticipation that someone from the mission would meet him at the ship yard to travel with him to his destination. To his horror, no one showed up at the harbor, even worse, he was not permitted to board the ship saying his name was not on the travellors list. When he tried to enter, despite the refusal, he was thrown overboard by a mean captain. Luckily he landed unhurt on the harbor, but was arrested for trying to enter the boat without permission and put into a room with pigs and chicken were kept. Instead of sitting and wallowing in self-pity, the young missionary took out his trombone and started playing. Shortly, the man who supposed to meet him showed up, gave him a young Tongo man as his help and companion to escort him to the land he was assigned to serve.
Getting adapted to the new surroundings with entirely different culture, language, customs and dwelling was a challenge beyond his expectation and imagination. He suffered many sleepless nights with vicious mosquitoes sucking out his blood all over his body, threw up most of the food he ingested for his body couldn't handle the taste of it, the people made fun of his speech when he tried to say something to them. Instead of taking back a boat to the comfort of his land, he stayed at the shore on his knees praying and studying the native's language and little by little gained the trust and respect of the Tongo people.
The people began to trust him, not because of his preaching, but because he was there beside them praying and caring for a child almost at the brim of death, helped them in the rescue mission when a monstrous hurricane swept the island, stood shoulder to shoulder in lending a hand in builiding back their broken huts and joined them in their celebration and mourned with them when their loved ones died. Until the director from his mission came and asked him to give him an account of the number of people he had led to Christ and the list of the names of people whom he had baptized, he had never thought of having an account of them. Such thing mattered little in his view compared to the number of people he had come to love and serve and gained the trust to lead to Christ. That's all mattered to him and that's all need to matter to anyone who goes onto the mission field to serve the Lord.
Yes, he longed to be near his girl friend, missed his family, home food and all the facilities he enjoyed living in his home country. Yet, he stood by his vision to serve the Lord and people well and even asked for an extension of six months to overstay. When his request was denied, but told he was promoted to be a deputy diirector to serve back home or in another country, instead of being thrilled, he was heart broken, grieve stricken to leave the Tongo people whom he had come to love so dearly within the last four year.
As promised, once he got home, he got married to his girlfriend and started raising a family. However, he and his wife visited many a times the Tongo people and served on short missionary assignments. This was based on a true story and it happened in the 1950s.
Oh what a difference how mission work is done now and in those days. The ones now I hear are those that last averaging from two weeks to three months or little longer. The reason may be that other unChrstianed countries are no more open to mission work as they used to do those days or mission work has not been as effective as those in earlier times. as in Dr. Livingstone's days.
Today, we see our church taking youngsters on two weeks missionary trips spending so much money on air flights and lodgings only to go and mingle with children there, how to play games, tell stories, entertain them in whatever way they could, handover some of the gifts they took along with them and return happy in the contentment thay had seen a new place, experienced a new culture, given the kids there a good time. True, I've no right to judge them for I've never been on any of mission trips. But knowing people who had gone on such mission trips I wonder whether it's truly worth of the effort and the trip in the name of mission work.
I've a friend, who used to put away some hard earn money to take a mission trip flight all the way up to Uganda, travel there for two weeks, to work at the orphanage and to meet the two orphans she's sponsoring. When asked what work she did there, she told me that she helped to organize and shelf the books she took for the children and gave a helping hand to the medical personnel in the clinics. My question was, does she need to spend $3000 US dollars to organize a library and to help at the clinic? Couldn't any local there capable of doing such work? Wouldn't the money spent on the flight be given to the orphanage so that they could spend it in stocking their pantry, buying school books, or toward some building projecs or any other project?
In my opinion, now a days mission trips from this part of the country serves those who go rather than whom they serve. The ones who go get the satisfaction of going on a mission trip,and feeling good about it. And there's no wrong on that . But when you compare such trips to the one I saw on the film The Other Side of Heaven, what a vast difference. When it comes to purpose, sacrifice and in the transformation of life both in those who serve and those who were served, the missionaries of the old times stand high to gain my awe and admiration.
The missionary this film potrayed was a Mormon one. We, Christians in the evangelical and traditional circles consider Mormons as outcastes and false teaching followers. They may be right in their saying and have the reason to caution us not to have anything to do with Mormonism. I've no clue of their message nor has not come across anyone belonging to their belief , except an old woman I come across during my walk.
I'm not here to discuss about their belief or reason out what's wrong with their message. I've no knowledge to debate on that line. My only reason, I brought up the subject is that the main character of the movie happens to be Mormon missionary who potrayed what a true Christian missionary needs to be. His life was almost like Pauls, when it comes to facing shipwrecks, living in starvation, faith and intergrity.
Today, if we have Christians, not only missionaries, but the ordinaryl ones live who chooses to live by faith, sincerity and in love, we don't need to go to foreign land to do mission. Mission will come searching to our doorstep to hear the Good News. As it is, we are from living the life, Jesus, Paul and Peter preached. We hear enough preachings to make even the rocky mountains speak, we attend Bible studies week after week, follow teachers around at seminars on Marriage, Family, purpose driven life and so forth. Yet, the world around looks at us as someone with Judgment label stuck to our forehead, feel judged,not loved, pretentious not genuine.
Would we ever change to reflect your genuine love and act of grace, Lord? Only then can we truly say we're following in the foot steps of Christ. Until then, our mission work may look and sound worth speaking of on the serface, but deeper, the roots may not run to make a life lasting change. Books are wonderful to write and share the message, pulpits and crusades are great stage to energize a crowd, but giving the keys to live a victorious life cannot be taught, but be caught, be observed. Have I got it? Have you got it? If not, let's humbly ask the One who gives it, to change us first so that we could change the world for Him.
Yet, in faith he stepped out of his house bading farewell to his loved ones and boarded the train in anticipation that someone from the mission would meet him at the ship yard to travel with him to his destination. To his horror, no one showed up at the harbor, even worse, he was not permitted to board the ship saying his name was not on the travellors list. When he tried to enter, despite the refusal, he was thrown overboard by a mean captain. Luckily he landed unhurt on the harbor, but was arrested for trying to enter the boat without permission and put into a room with pigs and chicken were kept. Instead of sitting and wallowing in self-pity, the young missionary took out his trombone and started playing. Shortly, the man who supposed to meet him showed up, gave him a young Tongo man as his help and companion to escort him to the land he was assigned to serve.
Getting adapted to the new surroundings with entirely different culture, language, customs and dwelling was a challenge beyond his expectation and imagination. He suffered many sleepless nights with vicious mosquitoes sucking out his blood all over his body, threw up most of the food he ingested for his body couldn't handle the taste of it, the people made fun of his speech when he tried to say something to them. Instead of taking back a boat to the comfort of his land, he stayed at the shore on his knees praying and studying the native's language and little by little gained the trust and respect of the Tongo people.
The people began to trust him, not because of his preaching, but because he was there beside them praying and caring for a child almost at the brim of death, helped them in the rescue mission when a monstrous hurricane swept the island, stood shoulder to shoulder in lending a hand in builiding back their broken huts and joined them in their celebration and mourned with them when their loved ones died. Until the director from his mission came and asked him to give him an account of the number of people he had led to Christ and the list of the names of people whom he had baptized, he had never thought of having an account of them. Such thing mattered little in his view compared to the number of people he had come to love and serve and gained the trust to lead to Christ. That's all mattered to him and that's all need to matter to anyone who goes onto the mission field to serve the Lord.
Yes, he longed to be near his girl friend, missed his family, home food and all the facilities he enjoyed living in his home country. Yet, he stood by his vision to serve the Lord and people well and even asked for an extension of six months to overstay. When his request was denied, but told he was promoted to be a deputy diirector to serve back home or in another country, instead of being thrilled, he was heart broken, grieve stricken to leave the Tongo people whom he had come to love so dearly within the last four year.
As promised, once he got home, he got married to his girlfriend and started raising a family. However, he and his wife visited many a times the Tongo people and served on short missionary assignments. This was based on a true story and it happened in the 1950s.
Oh what a difference how mission work is done now and in those days. The ones now I hear are those that last averaging from two weeks to three months or little longer. The reason may be that other unChrstianed countries are no more open to mission work as they used to do those days or mission work has not been as effective as those in earlier times. as in Dr. Livingstone's days.
Today, we see our church taking youngsters on two weeks missionary trips spending so much money on air flights and lodgings only to go and mingle with children there, how to play games, tell stories, entertain them in whatever way they could, handover some of the gifts they took along with them and return happy in the contentment thay had seen a new place, experienced a new culture, given the kids there a good time. True, I've no right to judge them for I've never been on any of mission trips. But knowing people who had gone on such mission trips I wonder whether it's truly worth of the effort and the trip in the name of mission work.
I've a friend, who used to put away some hard earn money to take a mission trip flight all the way up to Uganda, travel there for two weeks, to work at the orphanage and to meet the two orphans she's sponsoring. When asked what work she did there, she told me that she helped to organize and shelf the books she took for the children and gave a helping hand to the medical personnel in the clinics. My question was, does she need to spend $3000 US dollars to organize a library and to help at the clinic? Couldn't any local there capable of doing such work? Wouldn't the money spent on the flight be given to the orphanage so that they could spend it in stocking their pantry, buying school books, or toward some building projecs or any other project?
In my opinion, now a days mission trips from this part of the country serves those who go rather than whom they serve. The ones who go get the satisfaction of going on a mission trip,and feeling good about it. And there's no wrong on that . But when you compare such trips to the one I saw on the film The Other Side of Heaven, what a vast difference. When it comes to purpose, sacrifice and in the transformation of life both in those who serve and those who were served, the missionaries of the old times stand high to gain my awe and admiration.
The missionary this film potrayed was a Mormon one. We, Christians in the evangelical and traditional circles consider Mormons as outcastes and false teaching followers. They may be right in their saying and have the reason to caution us not to have anything to do with Mormonism. I've no clue of their message nor has not come across anyone belonging to their belief , except an old woman I come across during my walk.
I'm not here to discuss about their belief or reason out what's wrong with their message. I've no knowledge to debate on that line. My only reason, I brought up the subject is that the main character of the movie happens to be Mormon missionary who potrayed what a true Christian missionary needs to be. His life was almost like Pauls, when it comes to facing shipwrecks, living in starvation, faith and intergrity.
Today, if we have Christians, not only missionaries, but the ordinaryl ones live who chooses to live by faith, sincerity and in love, we don't need to go to foreign land to do mission. Mission will come searching to our doorstep to hear the Good News. As it is, we are from living the life, Jesus, Paul and Peter preached. We hear enough preachings to make even the rocky mountains speak, we attend Bible studies week after week, follow teachers around at seminars on Marriage, Family, purpose driven life and so forth. Yet, the world around looks at us as someone with Judgment label stuck to our forehead, feel judged,not loved, pretentious not genuine.
Would we ever change to reflect your genuine love and act of grace, Lord? Only then can we truly say we're following in the foot steps of Christ. Until then, our mission work may look and sound worth speaking of on the serface, but deeper, the roots may not run to make a life lasting change. Books are wonderful to write and share the message, pulpits and crusades are great stage to energize a crowd, but giving the keys to live a victorious life cannot be taught, but be caught, be observed. Have I got it? Have you got it? If not, let's humbly ask the One who gives it, to change us first so that we could change the world for Him.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Max Lucado and I
A strange title it may sound, for I don’t have any personal connection or contact with Max Lucado to give such a title. He’s a famous author, well known globally for his books and preaching ,and, I'm someone who loves to call myself a writer, but haven’t written a single book to this date, nor have published that many articles with my by-line to put my name beside him So, what’s the reason I’ve given this blog such a title. Maybe for the reason, that I've got hooked onto the author's style of writing that I can't contain myself without sharing it.
I've heard of others loving the author's books, but I'd never picked up any of his books to read until a month ago. In fact, I'd bought three of his books at our library sale for few dollars and they had been standing prim and poised on my bookshelf untouched very lately. Only yesterday, Linda from our Bible study returned two books I've loaned her a few months back. To my surprise, one of them is Max Lucado's When Christ Comes. I remember of giving her the book, when she inquired about Second coming. The fact that her mom got bought into the imminent Dooms Day preaching of some television evangelist worried her. I pointed few chapters in the Bible talking about it and gave Lucado's book thinking it might have some reliable facts there to help her. Even though I hadn't read the book, the title of the book and the credibility of the author made me believe it would have something she was looking for. But somehow I've completely forgotten about it until she returned it last evening along with Philip Yancey's Why Pray?
Our Women's Ministry has chosen Lucado's book Fearless for our Bible study this Fall and that's how I came to read the author's book for the very first time.Once I did, I was hooked at once. His conversational writing style, sprinkles of humor dotting the pages, his heart for God and people all bound together captured me to list him to be my favorite author next to Phil Yancey. Now that I'm caught up in the bug of his beautiful writing, I cannot resist from getting more and more of his books to read. I love his conversational style of writing with sprinkles of humor dotting the pages. If I ever write a book, I would like to adapt his style of writing and the kind message he tries to convey to his readers. His words reflect his faith, love for God and people and perspectives.
This morning, I started to read his book, Just Like Jesus. He starts the first chapter asking, " What if , for one day, Jesus were to become you? What if for twenty you allow him to be you, waking up from your bed, eating breakfast at your table, commuting to work, interacting with your coworkers, doing grocery, answering phone , watching television, reading etc. Your circumstance remains the same, your health problem, financial situation remain unchanged. Your schedules isn't altered. Your problems aren't solved. The only change that happens is that your heart gets the day off and you're allowed to function under the direction of Christ's heart. Him alone for one day. What would that day be like? That was the challenge he put out there.
I've heard of others loving the author's books, but I'd never picked up any of his books to read until a month ago. In fact, I'd bought three of his books at our library sale for few dollars and they had been standing prim and poised on my bookshelf untouched very lately. Only yesterday, Linda from our Bible study returned two books I've loaned her a few months back. To my surprise, one of them is Max Lucado's When Christ Comes. I remember of giving her the book, when she inquired about Second coming. The fact that her mom got bought into the imminent Dooms Day preaching of some television evangelist worried her. I pointed few chapters in the Bible talking about it and gave Lucado's book thinking it might have some reliable facts there to help her. Even though I hadn't read the book, the title of the book and the credibility of the author made me believe it would have something she was looking for. But somehow I've completely forgotten about it until she returned it last evening along with Philip Yancey's Why Pray?
Our Women's Ministry has chosen Lucado's book Fearless for our Bible study this Fall and that's how I came to read the author's book for the very first time.Once I did, I was hooked at once. His conversational writing style, sprinkles of humor dotting the pages, his heart for God and people all bound together captured me to list him to be my favorite author next to Phil Yancey. Now that I'm caught up in the bug of his beautiful writing, I cannot resist from getting more and more of his books to read. I love his conversational style of writing with sprinkles of humor dotting the pages. If I ever write a book, I would like to adapt his style of writing and the kind message he tries to convey to his readers. His words reflect his faith, love for God and people and perspectives.
This morning, I started to read his book, Just Like Jesus. He starts the first chapter asking, " What if , for one day, Jesus were to become you? What if for twenty you allow him to be you, waking up from your bed, eating breakfast at your table, commuting to work, interacting with your coworkers, doing grocery, answering phone , watching television, reading etc. Your circumstance remains the same, your health problem, financial situation remain unchanged. Your schedules isn't altered. Your problems aren't solved. The only change that happens is that your heart gets the day off and you're allowed to function under the direction of Christ's heart. Him alone for one day. What would that day be like? That was the challenge he put out there.
No doubt, I've heard of similar ones asking what will you do if Jesus comes to your house one day? Would you hide the things you read, speak differently, act kindlier and gentler? Would you dust off the Bible and put it on a prominent place for Him to notice. Instead of spurting out swears and slangs, would you talk politely, if possible quoting scripture or two in the middle to gain some browny points? Would your house look, sound and function very differently for anyone to notice
A few years back, a trend or fad came mostly among youngsters wearing a wristband saying WWJD or something like that to the effect what would Jesus Do in such a situation? A good idea and a great thought to keep the kids and teenagers from doing things the'd regret later. But like any other fad, it too had a short term duration, I presume for I don't see anyone wearing those bands around their wrists anymore.
But coming to Max Lucado and his challenge, I agree that it would give us a true view of ourselves and the shortcomings we have to achieve God's ultimate goal for us-be like Christ. I know I'm not there and I'm work in progress. How can we be like Jesus, love, pray, empathize, walk and talk like Him is what Lucado is trying to tell us in the way he knows and understood in this book. I can't wait to read and write about it on another day with another title for sure. The book looks like an easy read with short twelve chapters within 170 pages. So, let me come back again to write about what I've read and what I've learned to be like Jesus-the ultimate goal of every Christian.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Pain, Prayer and Praise
Why, why and why, that's what I asked God when I heard that Leela acca, my highschool teacher and closest neighbor in my hometown forty years back was hospitalized and was much in pain in Edmonton, Canada. Two months hadn't passed since her husband died and caring for him an year when he was almost bed-bound, must have made her not only grief-stricken but exhausted too.
No wonder, she took the invitation of her friend and went away from Toronto for a month or so to get over her sorrow and loneliness. Never would have she imagined what was in store for her during the holidays in Edmonton. It was there, suddenly she developed an unbearable pain and was rushed to hospital and underwent an emergency surgery for perforated intestine. Not a good thing to happen, a serious one too.
If it have been one surgery, it would have been bearable, but she has had atleast three abdominal surgeries within a week or two. I never knew about her serious condition until a week ago and that's when I took a call to the hospital and was able to talk to her. She sounded so frail and in much pain. She wasn't a person who complains, but the pain must have been so severe that she talked nothing else, but about her pain. That night after talking to her, I couldn't sleep. I almost felt her pain and sadness. She hasn't got her husband beside her for comfor. Having no children and siblings, she must have felt lost and saddenened on top of the physical pain. That's why I cried out to God asking why, why and why.
If she had fallen ill like this in Toronto, her her friends and neigbbors and her husband's nieces and nephews would have been around her doing whatever help they could do. But in Edmonton? I don't know how many people she even know there. Friends and relations may not be able to fly over there to be with her even if they want to. Maybe one or two may go, but how long could they stay. Why should it happen this way? In her condition, she wasn't allowed to fly by commercial plane she was told. To charter a flight and go, it would cost at least $ 50,000. she had found out. It didn't seem right. And it didn't seem fair.
After all she's a sincere Christian, always ever ready to help those in need. How many of her relatives in Sri Lanka she had helped and even helping. She and her husband were in charge of an orphanage when the war in the country was at the peak. The village they stayed was under crossfire and threat of looting, gun shots and , hunger faced them constantly. There was no reason for them to stay there with the orphans. If chosen, they could have abandoned them and gone somewhere else for their safety. But they didn't. They stayed for the sake of those children. They ate what they ate. Once she told us that they make a huge pot of rice porridge everyday and that's what they ate morning , noon and night. In that war climate, things were scarce to buy and money was short. They could feel snakes slithering underneath their mats at night while they are sleeping and once her husband, a heart patient got a chest pain and not having any help around or medication to get for the pain, she had given him his old medication, the expired date one.
Prayer was the only thing that kept us alive and gave the strength to keep going in such a time, she used to say. Such was her faith and obedience to God. And that's why I asked him, why Lord now and why in Edmonton and not in Toronto where she has friends and neighbors to help.
God knows much better than any of us and his reason, I may never fathom. But think of it, Edmonton may have been a better choice , when it comes to access to doctors and medical care. I wonder whether she could have had similar or better care there, knowing well of the long delays for doctors appointments. She seems to be well satisfied with the nursing care she's getting and I understand she's in a private ward.
Probably paid by her husband's niece or nephew. For sure Leela acca won't be having funds or insurance for such things. Even though she has no children or siblings, she's blessed to have loved ones who care for her.
I'm glad that I asked Emma to go and visit her at the hospital and let me know her condition. That itself would show Leela acca that we care and she's loved. I haven't stopped praying for her eversince I talked to her at the hospital. Emma told me that she needs lots of prayers and she has included Leela acca's name in her prayer group's list. It's nice of Emma to do that. Sweet as she is, she's a dear friend who prays and have a listening ear for others.
I pray that God's miraculous power will heal this woman of faith and give her a speedy recovery so that she could travel back home without much delay. God, you answer prayers and you've answered many of hers and mine. We stand in faith for healing to come through to her. Amen.
No wonder, she took the invitation of her friend and went away from Toronto for a month or so to get over her sorrow and loneliness. Never would have she imagined what was in store for her during the holidays in Edmonton. It was there, suddenly she developed an unbearable pain and was rushed to hospital and underwent an emergency surgery for perforated intestine. Not a good thing to happen, a serious one too.
If it have been one surgery, it would have been bearable, but she has had atleast three abdominal surgeries within a week or two. I never knew about her serious condition until a week ago and that's when I took a call to the hospital and was able to talk to her. She sounded so frail and in much pain. She wasn't a person who complains, but the pain must have been so severe that she talked nothing else, but about her pain. That night after talking to her, I couldn't sleep. I almost felt her pain and sadness. She hasn't got her husband beside her for comfor. Having no children and siblings, she must have felt lost and saddenened on top of the physical pain. That's why I cried out to God asking why, why and why.
If she had fallen ill like this in Toronto, her her friends and neigbbors and her husband's nieces and nephews would have been around her doing whatever help they could do. But in Edmonton? I don't know how many people she even know there. Friends and relations may not be able to fly over there to be with her even if they want to. Maybe one or two may go, but how long could they stay. Why should it happen this way? In her condition, she wasn't allowed to fly by commercial plane she was told. To charter a flight and go, it would cost at least $ 50,000. she had found out. It didn't seem right. And it didn't seem fair.
After all she's a sincere Christian, always ever ready to help those in need. How many of her relatives in Sri Lanka she had helped and even helping. She and her husband were in charge of an orphanage when the war in the country was at the peak. The village they stayed was under crossfire and threat of looting, gun shots and , hunger faced them constantly. There was no reason for them to stay there with the orphans. If chosen, they could have abandoned them and gone somewhere else for their safety. But they didn't. They stayed for the sake of those children. They ate what they ate. Once she told us that they make a huge pot of rice porridge everyday and that's what they ate morning , noon and night. In that war climate, things were scarce to buy and money was short. They could feel snakes slithering underneath their mats at night while they are sleeping and once her husband, a heart patient got a chest pain and not having any help around or medication to get for the pain, she had given him his old medication, the expired date one.
Prayer was the only thing that kept us alive and gave the strength to keep going in such a time, she used to say. Such was her faith and obedience to God. And that's why I asked him, why Lord now and why in Edmonton and not in Toronto where she has friends and neighbors to help.
God knows much better than any of us and his reason, I may never fathom. But think of it, Edmonton may have been a better choice , when it comes to access to doctors and medical care. I wonder whether she could have had similar or better care there, knowing well of the long delays for doctors appointments. She seems to be well satisfied with the nursing care she's getting and I understand she's in a private ward.
Probably paid by her husband's niece or nephew. For sure Leela acca won't be having funds or insurance for such things. Even though she has no children or siblings, she's blessed to have loved ones who care for her.
I'm glad that I asked Emma to go and visit her at the hospital and let me know her condition. That itself would show Leela acca that we care and she's loved. I haven't stopped praying for her eversince I talked to her at the hospital. Emma told me that she needs lots of prayers and she has included Leela acca's name in her prayer group's list. It's nice of Emma to do that. Sweet as she is, she's a dear friend who prays and have a listening ear for others.
I pray that God's miraculous power will heal this woman of faith and give her a speedy recovery so that she could travel back home without much delay. God, you answer prayers and you've answered many of hers and mine. We stand in faith for healing to come through to her. Amen.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Six Questions of Bible Study
That's the title of the study notes I found at the bottom of the page of the Bible I read last week. It's a brief Bible study guide to anyone wanting to learn the Bible. Frankly, I'm not an ardent Bible student. I consider myself more of a prayer-er than a devout student of the Bible.
Since I didn't have any Bible commentaries or Bible studies to attend in most of my life, I was left with no option but to read the Bible on my own and understood it as the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me. Because I have got accustomed in that way, even when I got a good commentary to aid me in later years, I preferred to stick to what was most familiar to me- to read on my own and glean the truth as I understood
Was I wrong in doing that? I don't think so, for most of the times I found the explanation given in the commentaries not so different from what I've understood. That reveals what a great teacher the Holy Spirit is when you completely rely on Him for understanding the truth. That's how many believers learned from the Bible when no Bible teachers no Bible commentaries were available in the past or even now in various parts of the world. Who could beat Holy Spirit in revealing the truth? No one.
Since I'm not a person who loves to immerse in reasoning and critical analysis, it works well for me. But for someone, who is prone to reason out and analyzing things, explanations from variety of resources may be more beneficial. Perhaps, it depends more on personality and learning style.
Eight years back, when I got involved in Bible study Fellowship I was introduced to Homiletics for the first time. Many Christians had vouched that this method had helped them tremendously. But for me it was a struggle. No doubt, I gave a good try to apply it , but with not much success. Otherwise, I would have put that into practice for every Bible chapter I studied there after. But I didn't . It was like the lesson on thermodynamics you learn in physics, which you tend to forget as soon as you've written the test on it. No sooner I finished my leadership in BSF, my knowledge of homiletics too waned.
Just a few weeks back, homiletics was again introduced in our Women's Bible study. This time, Rhonda our instructor handed us sheets that told us how to do homiletics. This one seemed much simpler and easier to learn than the one I learned at BSF eight years back. This gave just five simple steps to teach us how to study a Bible passage. The person who wrote the homiletics took a chapter in the Book of Ruth to guide us through with these five simple steps. I found it very helpful and easier to follow too.
And then few days back, I came across this study notes with the title-Six questions of the Bible study in my Bible. To me, this one seemed to be the best way to understand a passage in the Bible. Others may prefer homiletics or any other method. Maybe it's me, my type or , my style of learning which favors this method to any other. Hoping this one would help someone, I've included it in my posting.
Six Questions of Bible Study
1 Factual:
What does the passage say? What are the facts?
2. Meaning:
a) Is there an underlying meaning behind the facts?
b) Is the message literal, ironic, poetic or symbolic?
c)Was the message for more than one person or audience
d)What issues in my life does this passage address?
e)What big picture questions might it answer?
3 Application:
What was the application for the original audience?
How does this passage apply to my life today? What should I do?
4 Holistic:
How does this passage relate to the rest of the Bible?
5 Spiritual:
What is God trying to say to me through this passage?
6 Devotional:
What have I learned about God? How does this passage make me feel about Him?
How does it stir me to praise Him?
(taken from Faith in Action Study Bible NIV on pg1979)
Since I didn't have any Bible commentaries or Bible studies to attend in most of my life, I was left with no option but to read the Bible on my own and understood it as the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me. Because I have got accustomed in that way, even when I got a good commentary to aid me in later years, I preferred to stick to what was most familiar to me- to read on my own and glean the truth as I understood
Was I wrong in doing that? I don't think so, for most of the times I found the explanation given in the commentaries not so different from what I've understood. That reveals what a great teacher the Holy Spirit is when you completely rely on Him for understanding the truth. That's how many believers learned from the Bible when no Bible teachers no Bible commentaries were available in the past or even now in various parts of the world. Who could beat Holy Spirit in revealing the truth? No one.
Since I'm not a person who loves to immerse in reasoning and critical analysis, it works well for me. But for someone, who is prone to reason out and analyzing things, explanations from variety of resources may be more beneficial. Perhaps, it depends more on personality and learning style.
Eight years back, when I got involved in Bible study Fellowship I was introduced to Homiletics for the first time. Many Christians had vouched that this method had helped them tremendously. But for me it was a struggle. No doubt, I gave a good try to apply it , but with not much success. Otherwise, I would have put that into practice for every Bible chapter I studied there after. But I didn't . It was like the lesson on thermodynamics you learn in physics, which you tend to forget as soon as you've written the test on it. No sooner I finished my leadership in BSF, my knowledge of homiletics too waned.
Just a few weeks back, homiletics was again introduced in our Women's Bible study. This time, Rhonda our instructor handed us sheets that told us how to do homiletics. This one seemed much simpler and easier to learn than the one I learned at BSF eight years back. This gave just five simple steps to teach us how to study a Bible passage. The person who wrote the homiletics took a chapter in the Book of Ruth to guide us through with these five simple steps. I found it very helpful and easier to follow too.
And then few days back, I came across this study notes with the title-Six questions of the Bible study in my Bible. To me, this one seemed to be the best way to understand a passage in the Bible. Others may prefer homiletics or any other method. Maybe it's me, my type or , my style of learning which favors this method to any other. Hoping this one would help someone, I've included it in my posting.
Six Questions of Bible Study
1 Factual:
What does the passage say? What are the facts?
2. Meaning:
a) Is there an underlying meaning behind the facts?
b) Is the message literal, ironic, poetic or symbolic?
c)Was the message for more than one person or audience
d)What issues in my life does this passage address?
e)What big picture questions might it answer?
3 Application:
What was the application for the original audience?
How does this passage apply to my life today? What should I do?
4 Holistic:
How does this passage relate to the rest of the Bible?
5 Spiritual:
What is God trying to say to me through this passage?
6 Devotional:
What have I learned about God? How does this passage make me feel about Him?
How does it stir me to praise Him?
(taken from Faith in Action Study Bible NIV on pg1979)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Oprah's final show.
After 25 years of flight, the jet had landed soft and smoothly today with great ovation. Finally, the day had come for us to say goodbye to Oprah show. Because it was too painful for her say goodbye to her audience, Oprah avoided saying those farewell words. Instead, she scooped both her palms in the 'namasthe ' fashion, bowed low gracefully and said, " Until we meet again. To God be the glory!" and turned around and left the stage.
For the last twenty five years and 4, 561 days on set, Oprah had entertained mostly women not only in US, but across the globe, from Africa to Australia and India to England in her unique and captivating manner. Race, religion, gender stood no barrier in her path nor in her eyes.
She was no one when she was born a black baby girl somewhere in Mississippi, born out of wedlock, result of two teenagers act of puppy love. No one knew, but God who knitted her in her mother's womb knew then and there, that little bundle named Orpah would one day turn out to be the Oprah to rock the world.
Even before this little girl could spell the word "Dream" God had a big dream for her. But for her to become what He wanted to make of her, He had to allow her to go through rocky paths, painful experiences, rejections and abandonment. Otherwise, how could she become that person to relate and sympathize with those whom she's going to have in her Oprah show one day. Yes, God knew what that little black girl, who didn't even have a doll or a toy for show and tell in her class be one day someone who is going to bless thousands by her generosity.
It's God's grace that what she is and what she has become and that's what her Steadman, her bou told at the star-studded spectacular event at the United Center in Chicago two days back. Today, Oprah has the power and influence no other person in the entertainment world or business world has. She has money in abundance, houses, ranches, dogs, plane and so forth. There are many equivalent in wealth and position like her. But what they lack and she has - a generous big heart to help the needy and hurting. The more she gets blessed, the more she gives. That's her motto. And that's her signature.
The secret to her success?
" My team and Jesus!" she unjokingly replies.
What made her farewell Gala at United Center in the last two days and at Oprah show today were her genuine love for her audience and her display of faith in God. It was as if we were watching a Christian event when the choir sang Amazing Grace along with the golden voice of Aretha Franklin followed by O Happy Day sung by Usher.
I liked the glamor, the glitter and stars that shined and surrounded Oprah on the stage at United Center. But what I loved and admired most was the fact God was not left out in the celebration. He was honored above all the achievements. Oprah displayed it loud and clear. Steadman told it point blankly. Those who sang acknowledged His grace for Oprah's success.
Even today at the final Oprah show, that was the theme and message from Oprah. She talked about the whisper she gets from God. She talks about how she waits still to hear His whisper before she takes any decision. She also said how she offers a prayer of gratitude in the elevator at the end of every show, on her way home. It's a miracle, she said, how from a simple and painful beginning she had come to see this day, with so much of love and admiration from people from all background.-from celebrities to unknown housewives in some corner of a city.
Yes, she worked very hard to get where she's now and her appreciation and respect towards her employees earned her a loyal team that loves her and serves her well.
But, is God's Amazing Grace that had been the wind at the back to propel Oprah to great height and unlike many other famous celebrities, Oprah broadly declares acknowledges that fact and openly offers God the glory. That shows her humility, faith and obedience.
I have watched Oprah for many years and I have come to love her for the good deeds she does for humanity. Especially helping the poor and educating those who have no means to get any education. Personally she had impacted and empowered me to see and do things better. At times, she had made me t o look from another angle to understand those whom I normally couldn't understand. She made me to be aware of many social issues and other times made me to laugh and have fun too. Yes, I'm going to miss her shows terribly at 4pms. But I know she will not and cannot be too far away from us. She'll come to us through her OWN network, O magazine and who knows, what else is in the horizon?
May God bless Oprah more and more, and keep her happy and healthy for another twenty years the least. I feel sorry for those who missed the opportunity of watching her shows on important social issues, health, family and financial matter because of their misjudgement of her and her shows. It brings me chuckles when some of women at Bible study feel uneasy to let others to know they watch Oprah. -
Some even display pride in saying they never watch Oprah as if its' something unchristian to watch her show.
I wish they've seen at least today's final show for them to know who she's really and how she waits on Jesus for each of her decision. I wonder whether those who judge her wait on God or give glory to Him as she did today.
For the last twenty five years and 4, 561 days on set, Oprah had entertained mostly women not only in US, but across the globe, from Africa to Australia and India to England in her unique and captivating manner. Race, religion, gender stood no barrier in her path nor in her eyes.
She was no one when she was born a black baby girl somewhere in Mississippi, born out of wedlock, result of two teenagers act of puppy love. No one knew, but God who knitted her in her mother's womb knew then and there, that little bundle named Orpah would one day turn out to be the Oprah to rock the world.
Even before this little girl could spell the word "Dream" God had a big dream for her. But for her to become what He wanted to make of her, He had to allow her to go through rocky paths, painful experiences, rejections and abandonment. Otherwise, how could she become that person to relate and sympathize with those whom she's going to have in her Oprah show one day. Yes, God knew what that little black girl, who didn't even have a doll or a toy for show and tell in her class be one day someone who is going to bless thousands by her generosity.
It's God's grace that what she is and what she has become and that's what her Steadman, her bou told at the star-studded spectacular event at the United Center in Chicago two days back. Today, Oprah has the power and influence no other person in the entertainment world or business world has. She has money in abundance, houses, ranches, dogs, plane and so forth. There are many equivalent in wealth and position like her. But what they lack and she has - a generous big heart to help the needy and hurting. The more she gets blessed, the more she gives. That's her motto. And that's her signature.
The secret to her success?
" My team and Jesus!" she unjokingly replies.
What made her farewell Gala at United Center in the last two days and at Oprah show today were her genuine love for her audience and her display of faith in God. It was as if we were watching a Christian event when the choir sang Amazing Grace along with the golden voice of Aretha Franklin followed by O Happy Day sung by Usher.
I liked the glamor, the glitter and stars that shined and surrounded Oprah on the stage at United Center. But what I loved and admired most was the fact God was not left out in the celebration. He was honored above all the achievements. Oprah displayed it loud and clear. Steadman told it point blankly. Those who sang acknowledged His grace for Oprah's success.
Even today at the final Oprah show, that was the theme and message from Oprah. She talked about the whisper she gets from God. She talks about how she waits still to hear His whisper before she takes any decision. She also said how she offers a prayer of gratitude in the elevator at the end of every show, on her way home. It's a miracle, she said, how from a simple and painful beginning she had come to see this day, with so much of love and admiration from people from all background.-from celebrities to unknown housewives in some corner of a city.
Yes, she worked very hard to get where she's now and her appreciation and respect towards her employees earned her a loyal team that loves her and serves her well.
But, is God's Amazing Grace that had been the wind at the back to propel Oprah to great height and unlike many other famous celebrities, Oprah broadly declares acknowledges that fact and openly offers God the glory. That shows her humility, faith and obedience.
I have watched Oprah for many years and I have come to love her for the good deeds she does for humanity. Especially helping the poor and educating those who have no means to get any education. Personally she had impacted and empowered me to see and do things better. At times, she had made me t o look from another angle to understand those whom I normally couldn't understand. She made me to be aware of many social issues and other times made me to laugh and have fun too. Yes, I'm going to miss her shows terribly at 4pms. But I know she will not and cannot be too far away from us. She'll come to us through her OWN network, O magazine and who knows, what else is in the horizon?
May God bless Oprah more and more, and keep her happy and healthy for another twenty years the least. I feel sorry for those who missed the opportunity of watching her shows on important social issues, health, family and financial matter because of their misjudgement of her and her shows. It brings me chuckles when some of women at Bible study feel uneasy to let others to know they watch Oprah. -
Some even display pride in saying they never watch Oprah as if its' something unchristian to watch her show.
I wish they've seen at least today's final show for them to know who she's really and how she waits on Jesus for each of her decision. I wonder whether those who judge her wait on God or give glory to Him as she did today.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tortured for Christ- A Book Review
At our previous writer's group meeting, I asked the women in my group to write a review on a 100-200 paged book of their choice. Since I had given the assignment, I had no choice, but to scan through the books on my bookshelves and pick out one to do myself. Charles Swindoll's So, you want to be like Christ? was my first choice. But, next to it stood another book with a glossy cover and a golden Wurmbrand Classics stamp on it. The title read, Tortured for Christ in white and red letters.
Years back, in my teenage years, I had vaguely heard of Richard Wurmbrand and his torturous imprisonment in Russian prisons. Probably, that's why, I quickly grabbed the book when I saw it on sale at our local library for a mere one dollar. Even though, I can't remember now anything I've read in Tortured for Christ , the circling and jottings in my handwriting on some pages tell me I must have read through the book at least once before. The book still looks new and untouched.
Wurmbrand spent a total of fourteen years in prison and he wrote Tortured for Christ shortly after his release and in three days. In his words, "Tortured for Christ has no literary value. This book is written not so much with ink, as with the blood of bleeding hearts." It's amazing how the book got translated into more than 65 languages, and is still being sold in millions across the world. This gives us a glimpse of what God can do, when the heart of a writer is broken like that of God Himself.
Orphaned as a child, Wurmbrand grew up in poverty in Romania. At age 14, he was convinced he was an atheist. Once he even prayed, "God, I know surely that you don't exist. But if perchance You exist, which I contest, it is not my duty to believe in You. It's Your duty to reveal Yourself to me."
On another part of Romania, high up in the mountain, an old carpenter was also sending up a prayer during that time. He wanted to bring a Jew to Christ before he died. So, he prayed, "I'm poor, old and sick. I cannot go around and seek a Jew. In my village, there are none. Bring a Jew into my village and I will do my best to bring him to Christ." God in His grace didn't waste much time in bringing the two men together and the young confirmed atheist became an ardent lover of Christ from that day onwards.
I've always wondered how some Christians go through torture and imprisonment with so much courage and joy ? What keeps them sane and sound amidst hatred, cruelty and starvation? Knowing myself well, I've told the Lord to count me out for persecution. If a prick of a needle could make me sweat, how could I ever face persecution as brave as those Wurmbrand described in his book?
" I've seen Christians in Communist prisons with fifty pounds of chain on their feet, tortured with red-hot iron pokers, in whose throats spoonfuls of salt has been forced, being kept afterward without water, starving, whipped, suffering from cold- and praying with fervor for the Communists. This is humanly inexplicable! It is the love of Christ, which was poured out in our hearts." He further goes on to say, " We felt the torture, but it often seemed as something distant and far removed from the spirit which was lost in the glory of Christ and His presence with us. "
That's it ! That's the secret. It's the presence of Christ that makes them to go on and on and even showing love towards their torturers. Wurmbrand writes about a pastor who was badly beaten and thrown into his cell half-dead and bleeding profusely. When the other prisoners started cursing the Communists doing such a horrible thing, the pastor amidst his groaning uttered, " Please, don't curse them! Keep silent! I wish to pray for them."
Though such love is beyond my comprehension, the book enabled me to see things from a different angle for better understanding. I better give that in Wurmbrand's own words- " God sees things differently than we see them, just as we see differently than an ant. From the human point of view, to be tied to a cross and smeared with excrement is a horrible thing. Nonetheless, the Bible calls the suffering of martyrs"light afflictions."
If made to stand in a box with no room to move and pierced with razor-sharp nails on every side could be called "light afflictions," what do we call the things we cry about. How pathetic I may sound to heaven's ears when I bawl and complain about back pain and backyard quarrels? Or the disagreements and dissatisfaction at work or church, we tend to view as persecution. No wonder, Wurmbrand wrote," I have found truly joyful Christians only in the Bible, in the underground Church, and in prison."
His only grievance- the church in the West sleeps while its brethren in Christ suffer and fight for the gospel. That is the main reason he wrote this book soon after his release 1964.
" I tremble because of the suffering of those persecuted in different lands. I tremble thinking about the eternal destiny of their torturers. I tremble for Western Christians who don't help their persecuted brethren."
In short, the message of the book- " Remember the Persecuted church, help them, pray for them. Don't abandon them."
It's my prayer that whoever reads this blog would take time to learn more about persecuted churches around the world, pray for them on a regular basis and to help them in anyway they could. We are so blessed to live in countries where churches of all sizes and shapes are at every corner and Bibles can be bought in multiple versions and prayers can be uttered without any fear of punishment. Our main problem is that we've taken our blessings for granted or we've made ourselves too busy to even to realize how blessed we are. .
Though Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who had been called the " Voice of the Underground Church" had gone to be with the Lord in 2001, his voice is still alive through his books, as well as through the Voice of Martyrs Newsletter he had founded.
Years back, in my teenage years, I had vaguely heard of Richard Wurmbrand and his torturous imprisonment in Russian prisons. Probably, that's why, I quickly grabbed the book when I saw it on sale at our local library for a mere one dollar. Even though, I can't remember now anything I've read in Tortured for Christ , the circling and jottings in my handwriting on some pages tell me I must have read through the book at least once before. The book still looks new and untouched.
Wurmbrand spent a total of fourteen years in prison and he wrote Tortured for Christ shortly after his release and in three days. In his words, "Tortured for Christ has no literary value. This book is written not so much with ink, as with the blood of bleeding hearts." It's amazing how the book got translated into more than 65 languages, and is still being sold in millions across the world. This gives us a glimpse of what God can do, when the heart of a writer is broken like that of God Himself.
Orphaned as a child, Wurmbrand grew up in poverty in Romania. At age 14, he was convinced he was an atheist. Once he even prayed, "God, I know surely that you don't exist. But if perchance You exist, which I contest, it is not my duty to believe in You. It's Your duty to reveal Yourself to me."
On another part of Romania, high up in the mountain, an old carpenter was also sending up a prayer during that time. He wanted to bring a Jew to Christ before he died. So, he prayed, "I'm poor, old and sick. I cannot go around and seek a Jew. In my village, there are none. Bring a Jew into my village and I will do my best to bring him to Christ." God in His grace didn't waste much time in bringing the two men together and the young confirmed atheist became an ardent lover of Christ from that day onwards.
I've always wondered how some Christians go through torture and imprisonment with so much courage and joy ? What keeps them sane and sound amidst hatred, cruelty and starvation? Knowing myself well, I've told the Lord to count me out for persecution. If a prick of a needle could make me sweat, how could I ever face persecution as brave as those Wurmbrand described in his book?
" I've seen Christians in Communist prisons with fifty pounds of chain on their feet, tortured with red-hot iron pokers, in whose throats spoonfuls of salt has been forced, being kept afterward without water, starving, whipped, suffering from cold- and praying with fervor for the Communists. This is humanly inexplicable! It is the love of Christ, which was poured out in our hearts." He further goes on to say, " We felt the torture, but it often seemed as something distant and far removed from the spirit which was lost in the glory of Christ and His presence with us. "
That's it ! That's the secret. It's the presence of Christ that makes them to go on and on and even showing love towards their torturers. Wurmbrand writes about a pastor who was badly beaten and thrown into his cell half-dead and bleeding profusely. When the other prisoners started cursing the Communists doing such a horrible thing, the pastor amidst his groaning uttered, " Please, don't curse them! Keep silent! I wish to pray for them."
Though such love is beyond my comprehension, the book enabled me to see things from a different angle for better understanding. I better give that in Wurmbrand's own words- " God sees things differently than we see them, just as we see differently than an ant. From the human point of view, to be tied to a cross and smeared with excrement is a horrible thing. Nonetheless, the Bible calls the suffering of martyrs"light afflictions."
If made to stand in a box with no room to move and pierced with razor-sharp nails on every side could be called "light afflictions," what do we call the things we cry about. How pathetic I may sound to heaven's ears when I bawl and complain about back pain and backyard quarrels? Or the disagreements and dissatisfaction at work or church, we tend to view as persecution. No wonder, Wurmbrand wrote," I have found truly joyful Christians only in the Bible, in the underground Church, and in prison."
His only grievance- the church in the West sleeps while its brethren in Christ suffer and fight for the gospel. That is the main reason he wrote this book soon after his release 1964.
" I tremble because of the suffering of those persecuted in different lands. I tremble thinking about the eternal destiny of their torturers. I tremble for Western Christians who don't help their persecuted brethren."
In short, the message of the book- " Remember the Persecuted church, help them, pray for them. Don't abandon them."
It's my prayer that whoever reads this blog would take time to learn more about persecuted churches around the world, pray for them on a regular basis and to help them in anyway they could. We are so blessed to live in countries where churches of all sizes and shapes are at every corner and Bibles can be bought in multiple versions and prayers can be uttered without any fear of punishment. Our main problem is that we've taken our blessings for granted or we've made ourselves too busy to even to realize how blessed we are. .
Though Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who had been called the " Voice of the Underground Church" had gone to be with the Lord in 2001, his voice is still alive through his books, as well as through the Voice of Martyrs Newsletter he had founded.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
On this Mother's Day,
Mothers around this nation
are given gifts of flowers, cards
spas and driven to brunches.
Mothers do deserve this day of appreciation
and all the pampering that goes with it
For on all the other days, they're the ones
who do the pampering, buying the gifts
and throwing parties for all others to enjoy.
From Eve in Eden to Eva of this century
Mother's have played a great role in building the nation
Neither Eve nor Eva could be said a perfect mother
for each had her own set of flaws and ups and lows in caring skill.
Because mothers of today are lured to become super moms
Evas of today have more things to juggle and worry about
than Eve of that day
who bore Cain and Abel
and clothed them with fig leaves and animal skin
Behind every great man stands a mother
whose selfless love taught him to love
whose earnest prayers led him to live rightGifts or no gifts, bouquet of flowers given or not
Mothers of any color, race or age
deserve this day of celebration
So, let them know wherever they are
here on earth or up there in heaven
that we do love and honor them
and we cherish them for all their prayers, patience and perseverence!***
Mothers around this nation
are given gifts of flowers, cards
spas and driven to brunches.
Mothers do deserve this day of appreciation
and all the pampering that goes with it
For on all the other days, they're the ones
who do the pampering, buying the gifts
and throwing parties for all others to enjoy.
From Eve in Eden to Eva of this century
Mother's have played a great role in building the nation
Neither Eve nor Eva could be said a perfect mother
for each had her own set of flaws and ups and lows in caring skill.
Because mothers of today are lured to become super moms
Evas of today have more things to juggle and worry about
than Eve of that day
who bore Cain and Abel
and clothed them with fig leaves and animal skin
Behind every great man stands a mother
whose selfless love taught him to love
whose earnest prayers led him to live rightGifts or no gifts, bouquet of flowers given or not
Mothers of any color, race or age
deserve this day of celebration
So, let them know wherever they are
here on earth or up there in heaven
that we do love and honor them
and we cherish them for all their prayers, patience and perseverence!***
Monday, May 2, 2011
Breaking News
Yesterday, May 01, 2011 around 7.30 pm as I was busy making supper, my husband who was on the computer came rushing into the living room urging me to put the television on . It's then I saw the words Breaking News flashing bright and the death of Osama Bin Ladin was announced. The news came sudden and unexpected at a time, the country as well as the world is wading through many breaking news.
On March 11, around noon a massive and monstrous tsunami rocked Japan by swallowing up thousands of residents, houses, cars and boats, jerked the nuclear plants and created radioactive alert zones arund and left the land in total dismay and shock. That made breaking news.
Then came the regime change in Egypt after five decades of rule by President Mobarak. Here the march of the protesters was peaceful and the stepping down of the president without much killing was commendable. Yes, this too made into Breaking News.
Voices in Libya called out to their leader too to step down and let the people choose a leader in a democratic way. Their genuine and peaceful call resulted in massive opposition and many people, including one of Gadaffi's son and grand children died in the crossfire and aerial attack. This too made into Breaking News lately.
In recent weeks, gigantic tornados swirled in from nowhere with no siren warning in Alabama and Georgia killing at least 300 people young and old and swooped away houses and smashed down buildings into mere rubbles. Shocking and devastating, it too got into Breaking News.
And then, yesterday, the Breaking News of Bin Ladin came as a surprise, but it brought relief and celebration to this land of America. Exactly ten years after the attack on the twin towers, this news of avenge had reached this land for it to celebrate. For those who lost their loved ones on Sept 11, 2001, it had brought comfort and closure to their unending grief and loss.
Though the celebration of the crowd on the death of someone they hated seem right, it does put us in the same level as those people under Bin Laden who rejoiced and celebrated on the day the planes hit the twin towers and killed people in thousands. It's easy for me, who wasn't affected by such tragedy to talk about right and wrong. But would I not join and celebrate with the crowd if one of my loved one had been killed on 9/11. Probably so. Bin Laden's death a 'good day' for America, said the Breaking News. I hope so. I pray so. I pray that there won't be another 9/11 like happening not only on this soil, but on any soil even if it's the soil of those we disagree, oppose or hate.
A simple act of hatredness leads into violence and that inturn may give rise to atrocious and evil act of killing innocent and cruel alike. What makes a person choose good and another to choose evil? Both, when born were innocent as any babies could be. What makes some to grow out to be Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Desmond Tutu and Marthin Luther King Jr and some others to grow out to be Adolf Hitler, Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden? They too made breaking news in their parents lives when they took the first breath of air, cut their first tooth, took their first step and so forth. What made the change of direction and the choice of evil over good. Was it the circumstance? their belief ? Disappointment over something? Or all together to some degree?
Have we in anyway played a part in anyway for their actions? We never know and we've got no answer for that. Bin Laden is said to be a religious person and a spiritual leader? How could he then even think of orchestrating such a horrendous attack on thousands of innocent people the way he did? Even Hitler proclaimed to be a Christian and then and ordered the genocide of Jews. Why? Why? And Why?
Why can't people choose to love, live and let others live peace? Why is this beautiful earth be put to groan and weep by atrocious acts? Why can't God intervene and put a total stop to violence, cruelty and killings? If only we've answers to all these questions and have the power to put everything aright, what a peaceful place this world could be. For that to happen, we need to humble ourselves and turn to God and ask Him to put us aright first and then give us the wisdom to do what is right, noble, beautiful, peaceful. Hope and pray for those days to come in my time and in generation to come.***
On March 11, around noon a massive and monstrous tsunami rocked Japan by swallowing up thousands of residents, houses, cars and boats, jerked the nuclear plants and created radioactive alert zones arund and left the land in total dismay and shock. That made breaking news.
Then came the regime change in Egypt after five decades of rule by President Mobarak. Here the march of the protesters was peaceful and the stepping down of the president without much killing was commendable. Yes, this too made into Breaking News.
Voices in Libya called out to their leader too to step down and let the people choose a leader in a democratic way. Their genuine and peaceful call resulted in massive opposition and many people, including one of Gadaffi's son and grand children died in the crossfire and aerial attack. This too made into Breaking News lately.
In recent weeks, gigantic tornados swirled in from nowhere with no siren warning in Alabama and Georgia killing at least 300 people young and old and swooped away houses and smashed down buildings into mere rubbles. Shocking and devastating, it too got into Breaking News.
And then, yesterday, the Breaking News of Bin Ladin came as a surprise, but it brought relief and celebration to this land of America. Exactly ten years after the attack on the twin towers, this news of avenge had reached this land for it to celebrate. For those who lost their loved ones on Sept 11, 2001, it had brought comfort and closure to their unending grief and loss.
Though the celebration of the crowd on the death of someone they hated seem right, it does put us in the same level as those people under Bin Laden who rejoiced and celebrated on the day the planes hit the twin towers and killed people in thousands. It's easy for me, who wasn't affected by such tragedy to talk about right and wrong. But would I not join and celebrate with the crowd if one of my loved one had been killed on 9/11. Probably so. Bin Laden's death a 'good day' for America, said the Breaking News. I hope so. I pray so. I pray that there won't be another 9/11 like happening not only on this soil, but on any soil even if it's the soil of those we disagree, oppose or hate.
A simple act of hatredness leads into violence and that inturn may give rise to atrocious and evil act of killing innocent and cruel alike. What makes a person choose good and another to choose evil? Both, when born were innocent as any babies could be. What makes some to grow out to be Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Desmond Tutu and Marthin Luther King Jr and some others to grow out to be Adolf Hitler, Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden? They too made breaking news in their parents lives when they took the first breath of air, cut their first tooth, took their first step and so forth. What made the change of direction and the choice of evil over good. Was it the circumstance? their belief ? Disappointment over something? Or all together to some degree?
Have we in anyway played a part in anyway for their actions? We never know and we've got no answer for that. Bin Laden is said to be a religious person and a spiritual leader? How could he then even think of orchestrating such a horrendous attack on thousands of innocent people the way he did? Even Hitler proclaimed to be a Christian and then and ordered the genocide of Jews. Why? Why? And Why?
Why can't people choose to love, live and let others live peace? Why is this beautiful earth be put to groan and weep by atrocious acts? Why can't God intervene and put a total stop to violence, cruelty and killings? If only we've answers to all these questions and have the power to put everything aright, what a peaceful place this world could be. For that to happen, we need to humble ourselves and turn to God and ask Him to put us aright first and then give us the wisdom to do what is right, noble, beautiful, peaceful. Hope and pray for those days to come in my time and in generation to come.***
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Jonah- The Prophet from Galilee
Until this morning, I hadn't known that Jonah, who lived in the belly of a fish for three days lived in Galilee, just three miles from Nazareth where Jesus grew up. Jonah and Ninevah, I could match, but Jonah and Galilee? I wouldn't have guessed if not for the Bible commentary I read this morning around 5 a.m.
I hadn't read the Book of Jonah for years, maybe for the reason the story is too familiar for me to read through again. But this morning, I came across some facts , which I hadn't known before. Being only 4 short chapters long, I finished reading the book of Jonah in one sitting.
I found it interesting to know that Jonah was the only old Testament prophet who had lived in Galilee. Of course he lived around 750 yrs before Jesus. Though it's a short book, Jonah contains many valuable lessons for us to learn. Even Jesus mentioned about Jonah being in the belly of the fish for three days, when he spoke of His death and resurrection.
The book reveals the outreaching grace of love for the Gentiles. God summoned Jonah, the prophet, to go to Ninevah, the capital of the Gentile nation of Assyrians. Assyrians were long term enemies of Israelites, and probably Jonah might have feared and hated them much as the rest of the Israelites in his time did.
Knowing well the danger, humiliation and even death he might face in the hands of Ninevites, Jonah in his wisdom thought of running away in secret in the opposite direction. A very bad decision! How could he even think of doing anything unknowing to the all-knowing God? The result- waves under the command of God rocked the boat Jonah was travelling, and threw him overboard and into the belly of a large fish. Only then did Jonah realize, how stupid and disobedient he had been to run away from Someone who could command and overturn nature with the flick of His finger.
The storm made Jonah to be thrown into sea, and God, not yet finished with Jonah ordered a large fish that's big enough to host Jonah in its belly for three days to swallow him up. It's here, in the pit of slimy darkness, wrapped up in sea weeds, Jonah came into his senses, repented for his sins and begged for forgiveness from God. After three days, he got vomited out on the shore. And it took Jonah three days to walked to Ninevah to give out God's message to the people.
Jonah's thunderous warning of the destruction of the city, alerted the Ninevites, including the king, to panic. Soon they put on sackcloth and sat on ashes and proclaimed fast without any food or drink. To display the seriousness of their repentance, they didn't allow even their animals to drink or eat anything.
Was Jonah pleased over their repentance? The Bible doesn't say so. But God did. He saw the Ninevites' sincere attempt to change their ways and and decided to withdraw the punishment he planned to bring upon them earlier.
Jonah should have leaped in the air and praised God for His mercy, on witnessing the peoples' act of repentance. Instead, the scripture tells us that he was displeased and was angry at God for changing His plan. Why? What was the problem with Jonah?
Self-centeredness! Plain and simple. He had proclaimed to the people that God was going to destroy the city soon. That didn't happen. He didn't want to look like a false prophet before the people. The fact that they've repented and changed their ways didn't matter to him. It's his reputation, he saw was at stake. He couldn't understand why His God, the LORD of Hebrews should mercy towards his enemies and let them live.
To teach Jonah a lesson, God sat him under a shady vine to give him enjoy its comfort for a while and then made the plant worm- eaten and wither. The loss of the plant made Jonah sad and get angry with the worm. God made Jonah to realize that, if he could have pity on a vine for which he hadn't labored, shouldn't God have pity on Nineva where more than hundred and twenty persons and much of their livestock.
Don't we all sense a little of Jonah in us? Sometimes, we hate to see someone we dislike being blessed. We expect those who violate God's ways to be punished then and there. Instead of praying for them, we impose judgement on them. We expect God's anger rather than God's mercy for those, who don't follow after Him.
Self-righteousness could become a barrier and hinder us to rejoice with those whom we don't associate. It's here, we need to be cautious, and not to give into Jonah in us. If God could die for all, why should we restrict our love and prayers to only to those who are familiar to us. What about those who belong to another faith? Or those whose life styles we condemn? Jesus loves them too. Only through us, He can love them. So, are we willing to go where He want us to go or do we want to sail in the opposite direction?***
I hadn't read the Book of Jonah for years, maybe for the reason the story is too familiar for me to read through again. But this morning, I came across some facts , which I hadn't known before. Being only 4 short chapters long, I finished reading the book of Jonah in one sitting.
I found it interesting to know that Jonah was the only old Testament prophet who had lived in Galilee. Of course he lived around 750 yrs before Jesus. Though it's a short book, Jonah contains many valuable lessons for us to learn. Even Jesus mentioned about Jonah being in the belly of the fish for three days, when he spoke of His death and resurrection.
The book reveals the outreaching grace of love for the Gentiles. God summoned Jonah, the prophet, to go to Ninevah, the capital of the Gentile nation of Assyrians. Assyrians were long term enemies of Israelites, and probably Jonah might have feared and hated them much as the rest of the Israelites in his time did.
Knowing well the danger, humiliation and even death he might face in the hands of Ninevites, Jonah in his wisdom thought of running away in secret in the opposite direction. A very bad decision! How could he even think of doing anything unknowing to the all-knowing God? The result- waves under the command of God rocked the boat Jonah was travelling, and threw him overboard and into the belly of a large fish. Only then did Jonah realize, how stupid and disobedient he had been to run away from Someone who could command and overturn nature with the flick of His finger.
The storm made Jonah to be thrown into sea, and God, not yet finished with Jonah ordered a large fish that's big enough to host Jonah in its belly for three days to swallow him up. It's here, in the pit of slimy darkness, wrapped up in sea weeds, Jonah came into his senses, repented for his sins and begged for forgiveness from God. After three days, he got vomited out on the shore. And it took Jonah three days to walked to Ninevah to give out God's message to the people.
Jonah's thunderous warning of the destruction of the city, alerted the Ninevites, including the king, to panic. Soon they put on sackcloth and sat on ashes and proclaimed fast without any food or drink. To display the seriousness of their repentance, they didn't allow even their animals to drink or eat anything.
Was Jonah pleased over their repentance? The Bible doesn't say so. But God did. He saw the Ninevites' sincere attempt to change their ways and and decided to withdraw the punishment he planned to bring upon them earlier.
Jonah should have leaped in the air and praised God for His mercy, on witnessing the peoples' act of repentance. Instead, the scripture tells us that he was displeased and was angry at God for changing His plan. Why? What was the problem with Jonah?
Self-centeredness! Plain and simple. He had proclaimed to the people that God was going to destroy the city soon. That didn't happen. He didn't want to look like a false prophet before the people. The fact that they've repented and changed their ways didn't matter to him. It's his reputation, he saw was at stake. He couldn't understand why His God, the LORD of Hebrews should mercy towards his enemies and let them live.
To teach Jonah a lesson, God sat him under a shady vine to give him enjoy its comfort for a while and then made the plant worm- eaten and wither. The loss of the plant made Jonah sad and get angry with the worm. God made Jonah to realize that, if he could have pity on a vine for which he hadn't labored, shouldn't God have pity on Nineva where more than hundred and twenty persons and much of their livestock.
Don't we all sense a little of Jonah in us? Sometimes, we hate to see someone we dislike being blessed. We expect those who violate God's ways to be punished then and there. Instead of praying for them, we impose judgement on them. We expect God's anger rather than God's mercy for those, who don't follow after Him.
Self-righteousness could become a barrier and hinder us to rejoice with those whom we don't associate. It's here, we need to be cautious, and not to give into Jonah in us. If God could die for all, why should we restrict our love and prayers to only to those who are familiar to us. What about those who belong to another faith? Or those whose life styles we condemn? Jesus loves them too. Only through us, He can love them. So, are we willing to go where He want us to go or do we want to sail in the opposite direction?***
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Joseph Arimathea- An unknown, but courageous follower of Jesus
When You, my Lord, breathed your last breath on Calvary
The earth shook,and the sun stopped shining.
And an eclipse like darkness covered the earth
The temple curtain ripped from top to bottom
leaving the Most Holy Place wide open for anyone to enter.
The centurion, who stood at the cross to guard You,
saw Your love and acknowledged You as
Son of God.
Your mother Mary and the women beside, stood at a distance
And wept with grief, as You the Holy One
hung among thieves and suffer such gruesome death
John, who called himself your beloved disciple
stood at a distance and watched in tears as you die
Peter who vouched to give his life for you
not to be seen ,so were James, Philip, Andrews and Thomas
Judas gone away in guilt ,to hang himself on a tree.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus whom you loved to visit
weren't present at the cross site to bring any comfort at Your last hour
Out of fear, all fled and left you alone to die on the cross, bruised and bleeding
But Joseph from Arimathea, an unknown disciple of yours
A rich man and a prominent member of the Council
took up courage to go to Pilate and ask for your body.
Along with Nicodemus, who once came to meet You in secret
He took down your blood stained body from the cross
wrapped in linen and placed it in a new tomb cut out of rock nearby.
He gave no thought about his safety
nor the risk of excommunication from the council.
What he wanted was to give you an honorable burial
He gave You all what he could
and he did it by his own choice, expecting nothing in return..
Never before, and never after is Joseph Arimathea
mentioned in the Gospels nor in the entire Bible
But, surely in Your kingdom he may be seated among your chosen best
as the one who served you well at the time when it was needed.
Even if his name is not much known among those who serve You today
He truly deserves his deed to be remembered as one of the worthy service indeed!***
The earth shook,and the sun stopped shining.
And an eclipse like darkness covered the earth
The temple curtain ripped from top to bottom
leaving the Most Holy Place wide open for anyone to enter.
The centurion, who stood at the cross to guard You,
saw Your love and acknowledged You as
Son of God.
Your mother Mary and the women beside, stood at a distance
And wept with grief, as You the Holy One
hung among thieves and suffer such gruesome death
John, who called himself your beloved disciple
stood at a distance and watched in tears as you die
Peter who vouched to give his life for you
not to be seen ,so were James, Philip, Andrews and Thomas
Judas gone away in guilt ,to hang himself on a tree.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus whom you loved to visit
weren't present at the cross site to bring any comfort at Your last hour
Out of fear, all fled and left you alone to die on the cross, bruised and bleeding
But Joseph from Arimathea, an unknown disciple of yours
A rich man and a prominent member of the Council
took up courage to go to Pilate and ask for your body.
Along with Nicodemus, who once came to meet You in secret
He took down your blood stained body from the cross
wrapped in linen and placed it in a new tomb cut out of rock nearby.
He gave no thought about his safety
nor the risk of excommunication from the council.
What he wanted was to give you an honorable burial
He gave You all what he could
and he did it by his own choice, expecting nothing in return..
Never before, and never after is Joseph Arimathea
mentioned in the Gospels nor in the entire Bible
But, surely in Your kingdom he may be seated among your chosen best
as the one who served you well at the time when it was needed.
Even if his name is not much known among those who serve You today
He truly deserves his deed to be remembered as one of the worthy service indeed!***
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday
Yes, it's Good Friday today and churches around the world are having services to commemorate the crucifixion of Christ. Strangely, this day is not a public holiday in the United States which is considered as a Christian country by the rest of the world. I was born and raised in Sri Lanka which is a Buddhist country with a minority Christian population. Well, Good Friday which in my native tongue called it as Big Friday, had three hour services in the afternoon (calculated to be the time Jesus hung on the cross) in many of the churches.
As a child of five to six years, I remember of sitting on the front verandah with my friend and talking about Jesus painful death and crying over it. As a teenager, I used to avoid any kind of meat or fish during lent season and be a vegetarian. The entire day on Good Friday ,I used to fast and have my meal around 6 pm after coming from evening church service. Today, I haven't fasted nor had myself give up on anything during the Lent season this year. Does that reflect any depletion in my faith. I don't think so. It's more of my aging and willpower than anything, I presume.
Likewise having Good Friday as a holiday or not. doesn't necessarily reflect the nature of our faith either, in my opinion. I do not know when and why United States decided not to make this a holiday as most of the other nations including Budhist and Hindu countries. It would have helped many to dwell on the suffering and sacrifice of Christ on that fateful day and spend some time on reflection. But on the other hand, people could use this day for watching ball games and doing other mundane things giving no thought to Christ or His sacrifice for our redemtion. In such case, a capitalist country like America could benefit by having people working on this day rather than sitting on their hinds and watching television at home or munching popcorns at the theaters. So, let me leave the country's decision alone and concentrate what this day means to me.
Well, Good Friday commemorates Christ's crucifixion, and I fully believe that without His sacrificial death on the cross, my death here will end up like any any animal's death. His blood cleansed me from past sins and made in direct communion with God almighty. Otherwise, I'd live , love and die with all my unfogiveness, hatred, pride and projudice intact. An unblemished lamb had to be sacrificed for the sins of people in ancient Jewish customs and it was required by the God of Israel.
Jesus is the unblemished lamb sacrificed for my redemtion. Do I really belief it? Yes, I do. Otherwise, I've no right to call myself a Christian or His follower. How do I know that His blood alone has the power to cleanse the sins of those who come to Him in repentence. Well, that's what Jesus had said and His disciples had preached and died for. But can I absolutely sure, to stand by it? It's here faith comes in. Faith is the substance you hope for the evidence of which you havent seen yet. When I put my faith in Christ, I believe in what He says. Faith doesn't require proof, and once anything is proved, you don't need faith to believe it . Faith is believing without seeing. Yes, there are times my faith is challenged by doubts, troubles and what's going around the world. But my faith in Christ, who He is, what He said, what He had done and what He had promised is on solid rock and I'm so thankful for that.
Then, what about those who don't believe in Christ? Is He the the one and only way? That's what the Bible says and even Jesus had said, " I'm the Way. No one come to the Father, but by me." Doesn't that sound somewhat unfair? There are so many kind and noble people doing so many good things, and they end up in hell and then there were and are Christians who did and do atrocious and unkind things and they end up in heaven? Yes, that sounds very unfair and I'm no one to say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. God alone is the judge. But one thing for sure, we cannot on our own strength and manoevers can redeem ourselves from sin, however holy and noble our attempt could be. Only God has the power to do that.
We, Christians stand more accountable to what we do. We've no right to look at another person and say he's going to end up in hell, because he's not believing what we believe. If we've practiced what we preach, who knows there won't be even a single unbeliever on earth. All would have been drawn towards our Christ like attitude, love and behaviour and stood in line to be baptized. That's not happening even though we've toiled to evangelize the world. That means something what we are doing is not right and allowing satan to take the upper hand.
On this Good Friday, we need to examine our thoughts and acts to see where we've gone wrong. Otherwise, the precious blood of Christ is shed in vain. He died for all mankind. The Son of God came down to earth to understand human fraility and willingly laid his life so that we could be saved from darkness and destruction. He came to give us peace, joy and love and abundant life to live.
Do we Christians live a joyful and contended life as He wills for us or are we stressful the rat race like any other chasing the unnecessary. These days ,we even sell His name for our benefits. This need to stop. We need to cry out to God and ask Him to help us come to our senses. Good Friday is a great day to repent and return to the foot of the Cross where our Lord shed His precious blood.
Easter Sunday is coming! Hope of resurrection is in the breeze even though empty tomb is all what we see at times. Risen Christ is going to stand at the door soon. So, be prepared to welcome Him on Easter morning with all jubliation. Until then, lets focus inward and ask Christ to put aright what's not right and beautiful there.
As a child of five to six years, I remember of sitting on the front verandah with my friend and talking about Jesus painful death and crying over it. As a teenager, I used to avoid any kind of meat or fish during lent season and be a vegetarian. The entire day on Good Friday ,I used to fast and have my meal around 6 pm after coming from evening church service. Today, I haven't fasted nor had myself give up on anything during the Lent season this year. Does that reflect any depletion in my faith. I don't think so. It's more of my aging and willpower than anything, I presume.
Likewise having Good Friday as a holiday or not. doesn't necessarily reflect the nature of our faith either, in my opinion. I do not know when and why United States decided not to make this a holiday as most of the other nations including Budhist and Hindu countries. It would have helped many to dwell on the suffering and sacrifice of Christ on that fateful day and spend some time on reflection. But on the other hand, people could use this day for watching ball games and doing other mundane things giving no thought to Christ or His sacrifice for our redemtion. In such case, a capitalist country like America could benefit by having people working on this day rather than sitting on their hinds and watching television at home or munching popcorns at the theaters. So, let me leave the country's decision alone and concentrate what this day means to me.
Well, Good Friday commemorates Christ's crucifixion, and I fully believe that without His sacrificial death on the cross, my death here will end up like any any animal's death. His blood cleansed me from past sins and made in direct communion with God almighty. Otherwise, I'd live , love and die with all my unfogiveness, hatred, pride and projudice intact. An unblemished lamb had to be sacrificed for the sins of people in ancient Jewish customs and it was required by the God of Israel.
Jesus is the unblemished lamb sacrificed for my redemtion. Do I really belief it? Yes, I do. Otherwise, I've no right to call myself a Christian or His follower. How do I know that His blood alone has the power to cleanse the sins of those who come to Him in repentence. Well, that's what Jesus had said and His disciples had preached and died for. But can I absolutely sure, to stand by it? It's here faith comes in. Faith is the substance you hope for the evidence of which you havent seen yet. When I put my faith in Christ, I believe in what He says. Faith doesn't require proof, and once anything is proved, you don't need faith to believe it . Faith is believing without seeing. Yes, there are times my faith is challenged by doubts, troubles and what's going around the world. But my faith in Christ, who He is, what He said, what He had done and what He had promised is on solid rock and I'm so thankful for that.
Then, what about those who don't believe in Christ? Is He the the one and only way? That's what the Bible says and even Jesus had said, " I'm the Way. No one come to the Father, but by me." Doesn't that sound somewhat unfair? There are so many kind and noble people doing so many good things, and they end up in hell and then there were and are Christians who did and do atrocious and unkind things and they end up in heaven? Yes, that sounds very unfair and I'm no one to say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. God alone is the judge. But one thing for sure, we cannot on our own strength and manoevers can redeem ourselves from sin, however holy and noble our attempt could be. Only God has the power to do that.
We, Christians stand more accountable to what we do. We've no right to look at another person and say he's going to end up in hell, because he's not believing what we believe. If we've practiced what we preach, who knows there won't be even a single unbeliever on earth. All would have been drawn towards our Christ like attitude, love and behaviour and stood in line to be baptized. That's not happening even though we've toiled to evangelize the world. That means something what we are doing is not right and allowing satan to take the upper hand.
On this Good Friday, we need to examine our thoughts and acts to see where we've gone wrong. Otherwise, the precious blood of Christ is shed in vain. He died for all mankind. The Son of God came down to earth to understand human fraility and willingly laid his life so that we could be saved from darkness and destruction. He came to give us peace, joy and love and abundant life to live.
Do we Christians live a joyful and contended life as He wills for us or are we stressful the rat race like any other chasing the unnecessary. These days ,we even sell His name for our benefits. This need to stop. We need to cry out to God and ask Him to help us come to our senses. Good Friday is a great day to repent and return to the foot of the Cross where our Lord shed His precious blood.
Easter Sunday is coming! Hope of resurrection is in the breeze even though empty tomb is all what we see at times. Risen Christ is going to stand at the door soon. So, be prepared to welcome Him on Easter morning with all jubliation. Until then, lets focus inward and ask Christ to put aright what's not right and beautiful there.
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Face on the Cover Page
Reflecting the face of Jesus, was the title of the editor's letter on the Voice of Martyrs magazine I rec'd in the mail this week. It was the first time I've received the magazine, and by reading through the article I came to understand that in the January issue of the magazine, they have featured the scarred face of a Christian woman named Yubelina from Indonesia.
It was during a Muslim attack on her village, Yubelina burned in a fire and her disfigured to an extent no one would want have a second look. Strangely, there were some readers, who were offended by the disfigured face on the cover of the magazine, that they requested their names to be taken off from the mailing list of Voice of Martyrs. Some even went to the extent of saying,it gave them-' nightmarish, ghoulish vision."
Yes, those who didn't have the eyes to see the faith of Yubelina, and the cause for her deformation saw only the distorted figure on the cover. But there were others, including children who saw the same photo on the cover wanted to pray for her and even went to the extent to keep Yubelina's picture with her distorted face on top of their computer or in the family room so that they could pray for her and for the persecuted church on a daily basis.
Same picture; two different responses. Why so? What makes the difference? No doubt, both group must have been Christians. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been on the mailing list of Voice of Martyrs. Both must have been concerned about what's happening to Christians around the globe, especially in countries which are hostile to Christians. And even supported financially for the translation and distribution of the Bible and for the expansion of the Gospel. However, one group didn't want to go any farther than their comfort level. They couldn't bear to see the disfigured face of Yubelina on the cover. Instead of seeing her beautiful heart that was set ablaze for Christ, they saw just the face of Yubelina which was scorched by fire.
In a culture, where physical beauty is upheld and worshipped like an idol, it's natural to avoid looking at disfigured people or their pictures. Maybe I would have done the same too. It's more comfortable to keep a distance from a person or a situation that brings either fear or disgust to us. We don't mind praying for them from a distance or pocket out a little sum of money to those, who help them. Going the extra mile to touch and care for them as our own seems to be a big stretch to us.
In the Lord's eyes, how beautiful the scorched face of Yubelina with a blinded eye must have looked, for it is for Him, the woman had braved enough to display her faith and lost her beauty. By losing her outer beauty, she had gained the everlasting beauty that God admires. I pray that you and I too will have the eyes to see as God sees, and be brave enough to carry the scar of our faith to reflect our love for Christ and His love for us, if and when our faith is put to a test as it did for Yubelina.
It was during a Muslim attack on her village, Yubelina burned in a fire and her disfigured to an extent no one would want have a second look. Strangely, there were some readers, who were offended by the disfigured face on the cover of the magazine, that they requested their names to be taken off from the mailing list of Voice of Martyrs. Some even went to the extent of saying,it gave them-' nightmarish, ghoulish vision."
Yes, those who didn't have the eyes to see the faith of Yubelina, and the cause for her deformation saw only the distorted figure on the cover. But there were others, including children who saw the same photo on the cover wanted to pray for her and even went to the extent to keep Yubelina's picture with her distorted face on top of their computer or in the family room so that they could pray for her and for the persecuted church on a daily basis.
Same picture; two different responses. Why so? What makes the difference? No doubt, both group must have been Christians. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been on the mailing list of Voice of Martyrs. Both must have been concerned about what's happening to Christians around the globe, especially in countries which are hostile to Christians. And even supported financially for the translation and distribution of the Bible and for the expansion of the Gospel. However, one group didn't want to go any farther than their comfort level. They couldn't bear to see the disfigured face of Yubelina on the cover. Instead of seeing her beautiful heart that was set ablaze for Christ, they saw just the face of Yubelina which was scorched by fire.
In a culture, where physical beauty is upheld and worshipped like an idol, it's natural to avoid looking at disfigured people or their pictures. Maybe I would have done the same too. It's more comfortable to keep a distance from a person or a situation that brings either fear or disgust to us. We don't mind praying for them from a distance or pocket out a little sum of money to those, who help them. Going the extra mile to touch and care for them as our own seems to be a big stretch to us.
In the Lord's eyes, how beautiful the scorched face of Yubelina with a blinded eye must have looked, for it is for Him, the woman had braved enough to display her faith and lost her beauty. By losing her outer beauty, she had gained the everlasting beauty that God admires. I pray that you and I too will have the eyes to see as God sees, and be brave enough to carry the scar of our faith to reflect our love for Christ and His love for us, if and when our faith is put to a test as it did for Yubelina.
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